27. Pent Up Murderous Tension

Start from the beginning

"If you're going to get drunk don't do in front of business associates. And don't do at a random
place you have a trusted friend or family member with you."

Your I'm a cool mom is showing

"Any guests that sleepover need to be removed from the premises before sunrise, I don't run a whorehouse that serves breakfast."

Only guests I have in my bedroom is Ben & Jerrys anyways.

And Tre is more of a hit it quit it kinda gal besides Nancy, so no worries.

"Any questions?"

Is that it?

"Is that it?" Tre replied.

Gosh I love twin telepathy.

"What? Do you want us to add something? Something stupid like to be in bed before 10 pm, and no relationships allowed." Bio mom snickered while sipping on her orange juice.

Putting the glass down swiftly she give bio dad a slap on the arm.

"The fuck what that for?" Faking hurt he brought his arm up near bio mom's mouth. "Kiss it to make the pain go away bambina?"

He's 5, like he's actually 5.

"The slap was so that you would shut up and wouldn't make a stupid comment like the 'no relationships' rule should I apply." she snorted while slapping his arm away from her.

"I mean I think it's a good rule, I'm the only man they need! And women?! They only need each other and you no one else is needed so no relationships!" He all but shouted while looking at us with what I think was a threatening look but he just made him look like an even bigger softy.

"Women?" Tre asked with an arched brow.

"Yes we don't ever assume sexualities and I feel like my vagina houses a rainbow because all I spew out is a bunch of fruit loops." She shrugged like we were having the most conversation.

Pursing her lips she peered over Ezekiel. "Except for him... never thought a straight white man would ever be a minority but the gays have him in this house outnumbered."

"You're all," flicking her hand so her wrist went limp, everyone at the table broke out in a fit of giggles at what Tre just did.

"Although labels bother the shit of me, yes everyone in the family besides Ezekiel is somewhat well..." The laughter only got louder as we watched bio dad flick his hand in the same way Tre did.

Once the table had quieted down Reese brought the conversation back to the rules. "You mentioned you two have been on your own for a few years now." Bio mom started with a sadden tone, "I know it doesn't make sense to implement rules, especially when its clear you two are more then capable of taking care of yourself. We just hope you'll give us the courtesy to follow those."

Turning her head to me, I give Tre a head nod. The rules weren't anything crazy, and she's right we're living in their house we can give them the courtesy to follow the rules.

"Yes, no problem."

"Ok good," bio mom replied with a breath-taking smile that made her look more Miss America then mafia boss.

Watching her at times was alittle eerie because it was a carbon copy of the one Tre normally has.

Its insane how Reese and her twin have the exact face but never made the same faces. Our 'aunt' smiled from time to time but even when it was genuine it wasn't as beautiful as bio mom.

Coming back here as made me think more and more about Tre and I ...personalities ? I mean even with bio mom being a mafia boss she still has this warm and inviting aura. Despite my attempts at distancing myself I can't help the warmness I feel when around her. It's like I'm just 'home' and walked into the house with the smell of fresh cookies in the air.

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