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Years ago...

3rd Person POV:

A little Kerrigan and little Hiccup climb down the large steps, Kerrigan pausing with a soft gasp when she sees Stoick.

Little Kerrigan: he looks sad...

She whispers, frowning in concern as little Hiccup stares at his father Stoick sniffled quietly as he rested in front of the fire, his shoulders hunched over as he silently wept.

Little Hiccup: let's-.. Let's go back to bed Kerri...

Little Hiccup mumbles, making her nod he goes to climb back up, wincing when the wood creaks. Stoick quickly turns around, clearing his throat and wiping away his tears.

Stoick: son, Kerrigan..!

He greets, taking in a deep breath before facing them

Stoick: you two should be asleep... Your parents are getting you early tomorrow, lass!

Little Hiccup: Kerri was thirsty...

Hiccup softly replies, hugging his stuffed dragon with his right arm and holding kerrigan's hand with his left hand as little Kerrigan nods while gripping her night gown with her small left hand

Little Kerrigan: sorry..!

Little Kerrigan sheepishly apologizes, making Stoick chuckle softly with a smile.

Stoick: it's alright, lass... Go on and get your drink, then..!

Little Kerrigan nods with a small gentle smile, climbing down the last few steps hand and hand with Hiccup who climbs after her making Stoick call to him.

Stoick: come here, my son...

Little Hiccup grins letting go of little Kerrigan's small hand as she goes to the kitchen leaving his stuffed dragon next to the steps rushing over to his dad. Stoick scoops him up, setting him on his lap he hands the blow poke to little Hiccup, helping him keep the fire going.

Little Hiccup: dad..?

Hiccup says after a moment, gaining Stoick's attention

Little Hiccup: are you gonna get us a new mommy?

Stoick inhales, sighing heavily and hugging the boy before lightly kissing his head.

Stoick: I don't want another...

Stoick shakes his head before smiling fondly

Stoick: your mom was the only woman for me..! She was the love of my life...

Little Hiccup watches the flames, Stoick gently swaying side to side.

Stoick: but with love comes loss, son... It's-.. Part of the deal..! Sometimes it hurts, but, in the end It's all worth it...

Stoick shifts little Hiccup onto his other leg, looking down at him with a sad smile.

Stoick: and there's no greater gift than love..!

Stoick pauses, trying to think of an example as little Hiccup stares up at him

Stoick: like... Like what you have with Kerrigan..!

Little Hiccup only nods understandingly, blinking rapidly

Little Hiccup: ohh... I see..! So-.. I love Kerri?

Stoick: what..?

Stoick chuckles softly, shaking his head before sighing in amusement

Stoick: wait a few years, and tell me again if you truly do... You're a little young for that..!

How To Train Your Dragon Book 3(Hiccup x OC)Where stories live. Discover now