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3rd person POV:

Eret walks over, pausing when he sees the two and awkwardly looking around and clearing his throat.

Hiccup: Eret, son of Eret-!

Hiccup greets, his voice muffled as he shoves himself from Tuffnut he sputters, groaning as he wipes his mouth.

Hiccup: so what's the report?

Eret: Kerrigan was right...

Eret responds, gesturing back

Eret: two more trapper barges spotted in the strait..! Just as Amira sensed...

Hiccup: so we go after them?

Hiccup nods, pausing as Gobber stares at him

Hiccup: what..?

Gobber: one day, you're gonna pick a fight you can't win! And what'll happen to the lass then..?

Hiccup pauses, narrowing his eyes with a heavy sigh as he looks away questions, the group slowly turning to him as he walks to Hiccup

Hiccup: a female and a male? Hmm...

In Grimmels domain

The Whispering Angel hisses lowly at him, the muzzle wrapped around his face preventing him from using his boiling water as he stalks around the cage, his claws sharper The Light Fury wraps tighter in a ball, cooing softly in fear as she hides in her wings.

Ragnar: so, do we have a deal, old friend..?

Ragnar holds out his hand with a smirk a dragon roaring catches their attention, the large purple and blue dragon escaping from the men's grip and charging at Grimmel.

Trappers: look out!

People yell, getting out of its way Grimmel turns with a bored expression, swiftly drawing his crossbow and firing it at the dragon. It crashes, sliding and landing in front of him, knocked out.

Grimmel: when all is said and done...

Grimmel speaks as the dust clears, the group looking at him

Grimmel: this young Chief and his little girlfriend will bring me the Night Fury and Soul Striker..!

Grimmel turns, dusting off his coat as he walks away.

Grimmel: they don't have a leader... Just a boy..!

Stoick: Hiccup?

Stoick's voice softly says, Hiccup as a child looking around

Stoick: this is Berk, son..!

Hiccup looks around in awe, grinning slightly.

Stoick: it's our home...

The sun set in the distance peeked through the clouds, a gorgeous pink and yellow light shining across the sky.

Stoick: it was the home of your grandparents, and their grandparents before them..!

Stoick holds Hiccup in one hand, looking across the sea.

Stoick: and it's my job as Chief to protect us, Hiccup... And one day, when you're all grown up, that job will be passed on to you!

Stoick playfully boops his nose with his finger, Hiccup jumping before nodding.

Little Hiccup: okay..!

Stoick: and it's very important, son... Because out there..! Beyond the sunset?

Stoick points across the sea, sighing softly

Stoick: lies the home of the dragons...

Hiccup: wow..!

Hiccup softly gasps.

Stoick: aye...

Stoick chuckles

Stoick: legends tell of ships that sailed too close to it, only to drop off the edge of the world, never to be seen again..!

Hiccup looks between the sea and his father with wide eyes, gasping in horror.

Stoick: but those sailors who turned back told tales of a great waterfall, and dragons guarding the entrance to a Hidden World..!

Stoick continues, gesturing as he speaks.

Little Hiccup: whoa...

Hiccup breathes out in awe, looking up at Stoick.

Stoick: not just a Nest, Hiccup..! But a land from which all dragons come!

Little Hiccup: even Night Furies..?

Hiccup softly questions tilting his head.

Stoick: especially Night Furies...

Stoick chuckles, shaking his head

Stoick: and if you talk to Gobber, he'll go on saying he saw a dragon with wings that were invisible like magic they could appear and reappear!

Hiccup giggles, shaking his head before pausing and shuddering.

Little Hiccup: they both sound scary...

Stoick: don't you worry..!

Stoick gently says, looking down at Hiccup

Stoick: one day I'll find the Hidden World and seal it up, so that people and dragons will fight no more-!

Little Kerrigan: HICCUP!!

The small voice of Kerrigan calls, making Hiccup gasp as he quickly scrambles out of Stoick's hand, climbing down his body as Stoick chuckles.

Little Hiccup: it's Kerrigan!

Stoick: better go on then, son..!

Stoick continues chuckling, Hiccup nodding with a grin as he starts racing off.

Little Hiccup: Kerrigan! I have to tell you about the Hidden World..!

Hiccup races past Charles who laughs and pats his head before joining Stoick the two remain silent, looking out to sea and hoping for a better future for their children than fighting dragons.

How To Train Your Dragon Book 3(Hiccup x OC)Where stories live. Discover now