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3rd person POV:

Hiccup looks out to the dragons flying around Berk, sighing softly as he listens to their roars and the waves in the distance Toothless rumbles, nudging Hiccup with a grin.

Hiccup: what?

Hiccup questions with a raised brow, a small smile on his face Toothless looks down at his prosthetic with another pleading rumble, looking up at Hiccup with big eyes.

Hiccup: oh, all right..!

Hiccup sighs, bouncing on one leg to get his prosthetic off

Hiccup: you do know it's not a chew toy, don't you?

He questions before his voice turns playful

Hiccup: is this what you want?? Oh, do you want this leg?

Toothless happily wags his tail, bowing and staring at the metal foot with rumbles.

Hiccup: do you want my leg??

Hiccup grins, grunting as he throws it

Hiccup: go get it!

Toothless quickly dives after it, leaving Hiccup alone. He sits down with a sigh, dangling his legs over the edge as he takes his old journal out he looks over the drawing of Kerrigan he did all those years ago, smiling softly as he brushes his fingers against it Hiccup closes the journal, tucking it away and grabbing his map journal, pushing himself from the edge and setting it up as his foot falls from the sky Toothless rumbles from above, making Hiccup look up with a grin as Toothless glides. on the wind.

Hiccup: getting pretty good at gliding on your own, bud..!

Hiccup compliments, focusing on his map as Toothless lands, panting and nudging the prosthetic to Hiccup and he remains silent, trailing his fingers across the map before getting to an empty spot, tapping it he jumps as Amira roars softly, gaining their attention as she glides up to them with Kerrigan on her back.

Hiccup: Kerrigan-! Uh, hey, hi! Where... Where have you been..?

Hiccup stammers, watching them land as she nervously laughs.

Kerrigan: well, I was hiding for a little at the old clearing where we hid Amira and Toothless!

Kerrigan replies, sliding off Amira and rubbing her neck

Kerrigan: and then I was looking for you, and figured I'd find you where we always hide from Gobber..!

Hiccup: ah...

Hiccup laughs, nodding as he looks back at his map Toothless eagerly shoves the prosthetic foot to Kerrigan making her cringe at the saliva dripping from it.

Kerrigan: Toothless..! Okay, go get it!

She groans in disgust, tossing it away as Toothless quickly races after it Amira watches with a small smile before sitting, looking towards the sunset.

Kerrigan: I came back because I figured he was right, you know..?

Kerrigan continues, wiping her hands on her armor and shaking them out Hiccup perks up, looking over at her with wide eyes and a light blush.

Hiccup: r-really?

He stammers out, a small smile forming on his face

Hiccup: you think you and I should-!

Kerrigan: figure out how we're going to solve the problems here on Berk..!

Kerrigan nods, placing her hands on her hips as she looks over Berk Hiccup deflates, blinking rapidly as he looks up at her

How To Train Your Dragon Book 3(Hiccup x OC)Where stories live. Discover now