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3rd person POV:

The Crimson Goregutter lets out a powerful roar, making Kerrigan wince before she smiles, jumping off Amira and rubbing her neck.

Male Viking: welcome to paradise, mate!

A Viking greets, offering a fish to a new dragon.

Female Viking: well, aren't you a beauty..!

A woman coos to another dragon as it chitters at her.

Snotlout: aw, you're welcome! You're welcome..!

Snotlout boasts, making Kerrigan roll her eyes in annoyance. He dumps his helmet on a little boy, making him stagger around

Snotlout: I took on, like, one hundred trappers... A thousand trappers!

He quickly corrects.

Ruffnut: all with burning undies..!

Ruffnut fibs, cackling Tuffnut rushes forward, his hair tied to his front and acting as a beard

Tuffnut: my thick, full beard almost caught on fire!

Ruffnut: just-.. Just stop..!

Ruffnut sighs, shaking her head.

Kerrigan: the whole beard thing has really gone to your head, Tuff...

Kerrigan agrees, walking past him to Beverly and Valka.

Snotlout: so, uh, Kerrigan's mom, Hiccup's mom..!

Snotlout flirts as he approaches, making Beverly raise a brow as she crosses her arms

Snotlout: any notes on my bone-crushing assault or was it pretty much perfect?

Valka snickers, petting a dragon as she speaks

Valka: oh, it was indescribable... And please, call me Valka..! It has been a year-!

Snotlout: first-name basis?

Snotlout smirks, backing away a step with a nod.

Beverly: call me by my first name, and you'll wake up with a bald head, boy

Beverly warns in a firm tone, making Snotlout blink rapidly and nervously laugh as Valka walks

Hiccup: I think the real heroes of the day are Amira and Toothless!

Hiccup grins, gently rubbing under Amira's chin before focusing on Toothless

Hiccup: isn't that right, you two??

He coos, hugging Toothless and rubbing his head.

Hiccup: what would we do without you, Oh King and his Second of dragons..!

Toothless purrs happily as Hiccup gushes over him, Kerrigan approaching with a small laugh.

Kerrigan: and here I thought my hero of the day was you, Hiccup! Thanks so much for clearing that up..!

Kerrigan teases, approaching Amira and she wags her tail, Hiccup perking up and looking between the two

Kerrigan: I guess you get a kiss, my brave hero!

She kisses her forehead as she leans down, purring and nuzzling into her as Hiccup stammers over his words.

Hiccup: what!? But I-.. But you-! I did save you though, remember?!

Hiccup manages out, Kerrigan humming in thought.

Kerrigan: I believe Amira saved me from a man about to strike me down..!

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