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3rd Person POV:

1 year after second book...

Wind whistles softly, a foggy mist shrouding a dark lone ship torches light the area around the ship, the wood creaking as a man walks across the deck, lantern in his hand, a spear in his other he inspects the cages filled with dragons as he passes them, and a large blue dragon snarls at him.

Trapper: quiet!

The man growls, slamming his spear on the cage and startling the dragon the man faces ahead, pausing when he sees two figures shrouded in the fog, a male on the left and a female on the right Hiccup lights his flaming sword, Kerrigan's own family sword gleaming as he does this. Hiccup's armor was made from the scales of Toothless, safely collected after he would shed. Kerrigan's armor was made from Amira's scales and small spikes that had fallen off carefully crafted by her and Hiccup.

Trapper: what are you..?

The man gasps in horror, ready to scream.

Hiccup: shh...

Hiccup shushes from behind his mask, Kerrigan holding back a laugh at his behavior Toothless snarls from behind the man, making him jump with a soft gasp as he spins around. Toothless' back-fins were glowing a faint blue, his dark silhouette climbing down the cage the man yelps before rushing Hiccup and Kerrigan making her swiftly duck under his staff as Hiccup jerks to the left, avoiding it she clashes her blade against the spear, holding the man back for a moment as Hiccup kicks the man's chest back with his normal foot. The man staggers back before clashing his spear against Hiccup's flame-sword and throwing a hanging lantern in front of him, causing a large fire as he backs away Kerrigan walks through it, Hiccup at her side and Toothless walking besides him with his wings arched the man backs away with a short shriek, pausing with a whimper of fear as a low growl sounds from behind him he slowly turns, seeing nothing before screaming as Amira suddenly appears in front of him, leering down at him with her lips curled into a snarl.

Trapper: demon!

The man shrieks.

Kerrigan: what?! How rude!

Kerrigan shakes her head at the whimpering man

Kerrigan: she's not a demon..!

Trapper: you're all demons!

Hiccup shushes him frantically, shaking his head

Hiccup: we're not demons... We're not demons..! See?

Hiccup lowers his mask, lifting his helmet before grinning

Hiccup: see..? Just a guy-.. And this...

Hiccup lifts Kerrigan's helmet off, gesturing to her as she waves with smirk, her hair now free.

Hiccup: this is just a beautiful woman..!

Hiccup finishes, making Kerrigan lightly laugh and shake her head as she takes her helmet back

Kerrigan: just a couple here to rescue these dragons-!

Trapper: b-but you walked through fire!

The man whimpers, frantically looking at them before turning to Amita, who stares down boredly at him.

Hiccup: oh dragon scale armor..!

Hiccup informs, rubbing his arm

Hiccup: Dragons shed a lot-..

Kerrigan's: especially Amira's spikes in the winter..!

Kerrigan agrees, dusting off her shoulder pad spikes carefully

How To Train Your Dragon Book 3(Hiccup x OC)Where stories live. Discover now