"Really? Is that the only reason?”

"Ys yes .so plz let go of me.”

"Too bad, I can't, Take her back, to no window room."

"No no please, no let me go, please no stop help help.”

The guards, clutching her arms to hold her in place, on his instruction, dragged her upstairs. All the while ignoring her struggle and yell, then locked her in the only no window room of the manor so that she couldn't escape again.


"Great, what the f**k are you all paid for? If you can't carry one task?”

"We're trying to find her, Sir but.”

"Shove your excuse in your butt. And Get lost from here."

Extremely enraged, the men punch on the wall. It's not done, you can't escape me, not like this, I won't let you no matter what or where you are I'll find you dammit.

"Looks like all the men I'm acquainted with are burning in rage today huh."

Hearing the familiar voice, filled with sarcasm he glanced behind only to sighed with exhaustion And mumbled slowly. 

"Ah it's you."

He sat on the couch, where the girl didn't care about his state, but he did due to her facial expressions. Curious to know what's with her he asks.

"What's with you this time?”

Taking the Cigarette out, he picked a lighter without averting his gaze from her. By watching him smoking she got lured by the urge to smoke too. 

"That Ba***d have the guts to ask me, me to get Lost. As if I'm nothing.”

"There must be something Important he doesn't want you to know.”

"If abducting a Girl is important, then yeah it was very important work."

"Girl? He abducted a girl?”

Shocked, he asked with raised brow, because to him there could be all sorts of stuff he could do. But Tormenting women and kids wasn't one of them.

"Yes, a girl who's supposed to get married."

"Any info who's that girl? Could she be his love interest?”

"Are you high on weed? Love interest, do you think he's capable of loving?”

"If not, Then why would he abduct a girl who is getting married?”

"That's not important, he insulted me, you should do something.”

"Do what? Didn't I give you stuff to get him involved with you.”

"I wished I didn't use that, cause today I got a chance but, He threw me out."

"Great, forget him then, because taming a beast like him isn't in your hand."

"Leave about me you tell, why we're you blasting on your men?”

"They're useless, that's why. Can't get what I want."

"And what do you want? That not getting it made you enraged like this?” 

He opened his mouth to reply but stopped by the call on the phone. He picked his phone then received the call he heard for a while then looked back at her. 

"I'll have to leave. See you later."


"It's urgent."

"Fine go then."

Listening to this he nodded then walked out, however on his way her words rang in his mind. Which made him frown, is he the one who abducted Siya Agnihotri? No no, he hardly lives here. He won't even know about her so that can't be. Thinking this he shrugged his thoughts and got in the car and started to drive. The rain outside made him recall the similar rainy day when he first saw her. It was a bad day, he lost a deal thus instead of going with his driver along with his security personnel he left alone without any particular venue in mind. Though It was like an illusion, but left him with sleepless nights. As soon as he saw her on the way, dancing with street kids. At first he looked at her due to mere curiosity. But then grew desperate as her elegant figure was dancing so beautifully. However due to heavy Rainfall the entire street was clouded with darkness hence he just got a glimpse of her face due to the lightning in sky. Once he got a clear glimpse of her, it was like he got bewitched as not for once he stopped smiling. Or her thoughts left his mind, he lost himself to her. Sound of a thunderstorm made him come to the present looking at the way he stopped the car on arriving at the venue. Then stepped out only to get welcome by his people. 

"What's the status now?” 

"Sir, our men are trying their best, but it's harder than we thought."

"Excuses aren't accepted. I want worthy results, dammit.”

Glaring at the face of his PI, he stated in a sharp tone. Not used to facing failure in his life, he seems truly baffled and uneasy.

"We're aware, Sir but.”

"What's the action taken from her family or her so-called fiance?”

"The marriage got cancelled but he's still trying to find her like her family."

"So there's no clue to lead us to her?”

Though his purpose was no different than the aftermath of her disappearance. He wasn't glad to know someone else seemed to have interest in her.

"There's sir, um Mr Agnihotri received a threatening call to cancel the wedding."

"And I bet that Prideful men didn't agree huh.”

"Yes Sir. But because of this he's sure she's abducted."

"Obviously she's, even a fool can tell this, go and find her soon."

Ordering his men, he dismissed them with a glance then looked ahead at the dark cloudy sky. Mirroring his thoughts which were clouded with Siya Agnihotri's thoughts.

Scarred SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora