Part 1

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“You haven’t touched a single snack here. Even your tea turned cold.”

“No, I'm fine.”

Sipping his tea, he analysed the well dressed fine looking guy, seated before him. It wasn’t about snacks or tea refreshment, it was about the way this young man assesses their house with criticism. Ever since his arrival, at their house though he wasn’t verbal, or expressive about it. But his gaze was enough to convey his displeasure, about their status. Despite coming here, with a proposal to take the most precious person of his life. Though he tried best to conceal his true feelings about the entire situation.

“Um, do you plan to shift here after marriage or probably years later?”

“No Sir, I don’t. Like, I’ve informed you I’ve my business overseas, so.”

He stared down, then nodded while placing his tea cup on the table and looked up. Finally getting a way out to decline him, or else it was growing quite hard for him to reject him.

“Then I’m sorry, I can’t accept your proposal.”

“Huh, What why? Is it because I’m an orphan?”

“No that’s not it. It's my daughter who has no plan to live out of the country.”

“This is the lamest excuse. I've heard, in my life. How can you reject me?”

Raising his hand to stop him from speaking further, he retorted calmly. Not for once, he raised his voice. While conveying his opinion about the matter. But the young man lost his cool many times. Which was enough, to convey how short temper he is. Definitely not right, for his precious daughter.

“It’s her wish, they mean more than anything to me. I don't even want to live far from her.”

“Look Sir, I love her. And I’ve everything, to fulfil her wish.”

“I didn’t deprive her of anything she desired, nor did I impose my will or feelings on her. So please leave.”

“Mr Agnihotri you’re not doing the right thing to reject me.”

“Perhaps I’m not, Mr Danish Raichand, but I can’t accept this.

“Think it through Mr Agnihotri, I truly.”

“I’ve thought it through, please leave.”

Though he was irked by the guy's arrogance. To threaten him while standing, in his own house. He didn’t lose his own calm, or back on his words due to fear. Whereas he didn't agree, the guy looked at him resentfully. Then walked out of their house.

“Thanks Dad.”

Siya comes down stairs, with her sister Riya. Wrapped her arms around her father. From behind him, making him frown. He immediately turned to look back at her. And inquired to clear his doubts, as he had some misconception before.

“Are you happy? I thought you asked him to meet me to earn my Approval.”

“No, I wanted to deny him, but afraid to get pestered by him, I led him to you.

“Really? Well that’s news to me to Sis, he’s rich, handsome, seems quite nice then why deny?

Riya, his younger daughter asked in curiosity, feeling quite puzzled why her sister won’t accept a guy like Danish Raichand.

“Looks, wealth isn't everything, it's personality which matters the most.”

“Right and Dad must’ve seen he’s quite short-tempered, arrogant and manipulative. I don’t like it.

“Hm, Being an industrialist he’s acquainted with all tricks to convert no of people in yes.”

“Right, but he threatened you Dad. Hope the rejection won’t harm us.”

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