"James, calm down."

Finally, James stopped for a breath, inhaling deeply. He was practically vibrating, watching Regulus with caution.

"I'm sorry. You're not rubbish at quidditch. You deserve your position on that team," Regulus apologized, meeting James' eye determinedly.

"It's okay," James replied softly, looking at the ground. Regulus sighed and took a step closer to James this time, using his hand to mimic what James had done before, tilting his chin until James was looking at him. Regulus startled when he noticed the subtle tears in James eyes.

"Reg, I'm so sorry," James repeated, his voice weak.

Regulus felt overwhelmed with emotion for the boy infront of him. Instinctively, he reached out and ran a hand through James hair, pulling him closer. Though James had nearly a foot on him height-wise, Regulus easily pulled him into his chest.

"I'm sorry," James repeated, stilling instantly when Regulus pulled him close. He listened to Regulus' steady heartbeat.

"Alright James. It's okay now," Regulus promised into James curls. "It's okay."

"I didn't mean to scare you," James' voice broke and Regulus sighed, petting his hair affectionately.
"I know. It's okay."

After a moment of comfortable silence, James straightened up, pulling out of Regulus' embrace and clearing his throat. Regulus noted that James' cheeks were flushed with color.

James avoided Regulus' eye to the best of his ability, clearing his throat to ease some of the tension he felt.

"James." Regulus didn't sound ecstatic, but hearing his name spoken by Regulus' steady voice eased James' anxiety.
"Mhm?" He murmured in acknowledgement, still not looking at Regulus.

"James, look at me."

Slowly, James looked back at Regulus. Regulus' gaze was empathetic. "Are you okay?"

James only nodded in response, afraid if he opened his mouth and spoke, he wouldn't be able to stop.


Oh Merlin, Regulus needed to stop saying his name like that. James could barely focus, looking at the ground again as he took a couple deep breaths.

Regulus sighed, about to turn away, seeing as he was getting nothing out of his brother's friend when he heard a timid voice.

"I don't like losing myself."

Regulus didn't think he would ever hear loud, confident, boisterous James Potter sound so...meek. It made his heart hurt, not that he'd ever admit it.

He sat down on the desk, patting for James to sit next to him.
"Is that what it feels like when you get angry? That you're losing yourself?" Regulus asked experimentally. He wanted to give James a chance to open up without being too forceful.

James took the invitation, sitting down on the hard desk next to Regulus, letting his feet swing at a rhythmic pace as he pondered the question.

"I suposse so," he responded hesitantly, his eyes darting around the empty room a bit. Regulus looked at him attentively, encouraging him to go on.
"I like being the bubbly, confident, if not slightly arrogant Gryffindor with a penchant for pranks. That's who I am. I'm not an angry or jealous person."

"Those are human emotions James. They doesn't make you a bad person, or any less of your good-looking, bubbly, arrogant persona," Regulus assured him in a gentle tone. James met his eye and his lips quirked into a slight smile.

"You think I'm good-looking."

Regulus realized his mistake immidiantly, groaning a bit. "Don't let that go to your head now, I just meant in general, others have a positive opinion about your looks and whatnot."

He was fumbling now, tripping over words and repeating himself. James smiled to himself, moving his hand closer to Regulus'.
"You're not too bad looking yourself, you know."

Regulus didn't react right away, which made James stomach turn with nerves.

Regulus sat stunned for a moment, wondering if he had heard correctly.
Just as James began to pull his hand back towards himself, Regulus rested his on top of it.

It was James turn to freeze. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. Slowly, he turned to Regulus, looking down a bit at the shorter boy. "Reg..." he started nervously, his eyes darting to the left every so often.

Regulus had had enough of the tension. He grabbed James by the red and gold tie and pulled him close, planting his lips on the surprised boy's.

It was only a second before James started kissing back with intensity. He dragged his hand up to Regulus' neck, cupping it and pulling him impossibly closer, as Reg's hand found its way back to his messy curls, tugging lightly.

After a few moments, both boys pulled away for air. James panted a bit, his bespectacled eyes still flickering towards Regulus' lips.

Regulus' cheeks were pink and his mouth slightly agape, his lips red and slightly swollen from kissing. 

"Well," he murmured with a slight chuckle. "You're alot less annoying and arrogant with my tongue in your mouth."

James nearly fainted, but was quick to recover with a retort about where Regulus could stick it.

Regulus hummed softly in response. "That's your job, isn't it, Jamey boy?"

Absolutely flabbergasted, James sat there silently as Regulus slid off the desk and headed towards the door.
"I meant what I said James. You're a good person. Good-looking too," he called over his shoulder.

James was about to call out after Reg when he heard the words he'd been dying to hear from him. "Same time and place tomorrow?"

(1524 words :) I edited this at 3am so I'm sorry for any mistakes lol)

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