A Valentine's Day Party! - Anti x Reader

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This chapter was rewritten, so it would have been out of the 15th of February. However, a suicide attempt landed me in the psych ward lol. Anywho... enjoy!

Also: this video is unedited so please leave any of my mistakes alone :')

2nd Person

February 14th, Valentine's Day, a day for you and the love of you life, if you had one that is. To all those who were single on that "day of love" it was a day for them to wallow in self pity for the fact that, once again, they didn't have some to celebrate the special day with. To those that didn't celebrate the romantic day, just had another day to get through.

Now, you loved this holiday and all the pinks, reds, whites, and purples that surrounded you. You loved seeing all the happy couples fall deeper in love with one another. And you absolutely loved the fact that every Valentine's Day the Septic egos would throw a party for them and their friends.

Speaking of party...

"Y/n! Can you run to the store and get some more decorations?" Marvin requested, his voice loud enough for you to hear him.

"Yes!" you called back, picking yourself off your bed and grabbing your keys and wallet.

"Thank you!" screamed Marvin.

While you were grabbing your coat from the coat rack, Anti came up to you.

"Hey, Y/n, where are you off to?" he asked, avoiding eye contact for some reason.

You raised an eyebrow at his eyes trying to look anywhere but you. However, you answered nonetheless. "Marvin needs me to get more decorations, so I'm headed to the shops to get some."

"Cool," he responded and turned to walk away.

"Do you want to come help me pick out the decorations, Anti?" you asked, thinking that he was just trying to hint to you that he wanted company, but was just to shy to say so. You hoped that's what he wanted, you hoped that he enjoyed your company just as much as you enjoyed his.

Still looking away from you, Anti blushed. He had never felt like this before, liking someone enough that he'd blush. He didn't know he was even capable of blushing, but you made him do it... a lot. It wasn't just your words that made him blush, it wasn't just your looks that made his face light up light a Christmas tree, it wasn't just your amazing personality that made that pink hue decorate his face. It was everything about you.

"I - uh - sure, why not?" he cringed internally about how not confident, and un-Anti like his response was. He was always like this around you ... awkward was one way to describe it.

You smiled at him, which made his heart rate pick up more. "Great, let's go then," you said, grabbing your favourite coat and walking out the door.

It took Anti another second to react to your response, and when he did he lunged towards his coat and out the door to your car.


"Should we get the heart balloons or streamers for the finishing touch?" you asked Anti, pointing to the decorations that were side by side on the store's shelf.

"Why can't we get both?" responded Anti, leaning against the shelf.

"I feel as if we have too much already," you said, staring at all the decorations that filled your cart.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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