Coffee! - Jacksepticeye x Reader

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E/c = eye colour
F/s = favourite show

Jack's POV

I had a late night last night, like up until four or something. And when I crawled into my bed my partner was already sleeping. Their chest rising and falling, and their breathing luring me into a peaceful sleep.

Now I woke up at about two in the afternoon, and of course Y/n's side of the bed was empty. I wasn't surprised, but I was disappointed to not wake up to my cute partner's face. I did wake up to BB sitting at the end of my bed, so yay!

I dragged myself out of the big, comfortable bed and threw on some sweats and a t-shirt. I was too tired to put on contacts, so I just put my glasses on and walked out to the kitchen to make some coffee.

When I entered the kitchen there was already a steaming glass of coffee on the counter with a note beside it.

I walked over to the cup of joe and read the note.

Morning Sean,

I heard you stomping about upstairs, so I decided to surprise you with coffee. It's just like you always have it! There are also some brownies on by the fridge if you wanted any.

I love you,


I smiled at the note They were so kind and considerate, how'd I get them to be my partner?

I tucked the note into the pocket on my pants and turned to the plate of brownies by the fridge and picked them up along with my coffee and walked to the living room.

My partner turned their head away from the TV and towards me when they heard me enter the room. 

They smiled my favourite smile in the world and said, "Morning, Sean. How'd you sleep?"

I sat beside them, and put my coffee and brownies on the coffee table.

"Good," I answered, putting my arm around their shoulders, and bringing them closer to me.

They snuggled into my side, and smiled up at me. "I'm glad."

I kissed their nose, which made them smile wider, and grabbed my coffee. I sipped it and told them, "Thank you for the coffee and brownies, by the way."

"It's nothing," they shrugged and turned their attention back to the TV.

I shook my head. "It's not nothing," I told them. "You took time off just to make me some coffee. Not every guy has a partner that would do that just because he stayed up late."

Y/n turned to face me, their gorgeous e/c eyes shining with love. "It's because I love you so damn much. And you deserve it."

I kissed their forehead. "I love you more."

"No, I do," they argued.

"No, I love you more than you love me," I fought back.

"I made you coffee," they point out. "For this 'I love you' fight, I win."

"Fine," I grumbled, agreeing with them. "But next time, I will."

"Whatever, coffee man," Y/n laughed. "Now let me watch f/s."

I chuckled, and took another sip of coffee while saying, "Of course, baby."

Y/n smiled at me before turning their attention back to the TV that was playing their favourite show. I smiled to myself, so happy that I could spend so much time with the love of my life.

Word Count: 571

I hope you all enjoyed!! Feel free to comment, vote, and request!!

Jo out!

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