Winter! - Antisepticeye x Reader

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3rd Person

Anti never enjoyed winter, he dealt with it, but he never cared for it. Unlike one of his roommates, Y/n.

Y/n loved winter, with the snow and cold. The cold brought them hot chocolate and fuzzy sweaters. They also loved to go skating; they did hockey and figure skating as a kid, and it was one of their favourite winter activities, even now.

One afternoon Y/n was playing Just Dance with Jameson because they had just gotten back from outside and needed a way to warm up.

Anti had come out of his room for some coffee, he had just woken up even if it was two in the afternoon.

"Good afternoon, Anti!" Y/n called as they and Jameson did a 360 turn.

"Hi," Anti said back as he slouched towards the kitchen.

"Sleep good?" Y/n asked as Despacito played from the TV's speakers.

Anti shrugged, but then realized that they couldn't see him. "Eh, it was okay."

Just then the front door burst open and Jackie yelled, "Y/n/n, come join Marv and I. We're building an igloo!"

"Let me finish this," they called back. "I'll be out there in like another minute or two."

"Okay," Jackie replied and went back outside.

Anti cringed away from the door, not wanting all the snow and cold to get inside the house.

As the music stopped Y/n ran over to the coat hanger.

"You wanna join, Jamie?" they asked the silent ego.

He shook his head, and pointed to his book that he was reading before Y/n dragged him up to dance with them. No one could say 'no' to Y/n, not even Anti.

"Alright," they shrugged. "What about you, Anti?"

"Hell no," he responded bluntly. "I fucking hate the cold."

Y/n rolled their eyes, and walked over to him.

"Please," they begged, making puppy eyes. "Please, Anti!?"

Anti looked away, he could never say 'no' to their puppy dog eyes.

As he was looking away he didn't notice Y/n start to get angry.

They took their hands and grabbed onto his face so that he was looking straight at them.

Anti's breath hitched as he realize the proximity of their faces and how close they were.

"Come on, Anti," they said. "Please. I bet you you'll love it as soon as you go out there. Please, just get out of the house and have fun for once."

"I have fun," huffed Anti, training his eyes to look at the ground.

"Please, Anti," they pled. "Just five minutes, please."

Anti sighed, "Fine."

Y/n smiled and as always Anti smiled back.

"Come on."


When the cold air hit Anti's face, he turned to go back inside, but Y/n grabbed his gloved hand and walked towards Marvin and Jackie.

"How'd you convince the Grinch to get outside?" Marvin asked.

"No one can resist my charm," Y/n giggled, then looked at the base of the boys' igloo. "It looks pretty good so far."

"Thanks," Marvin said. "We've started to make more blocks for the fourth level."

"Okay," Y/n saluted. "Come on, Anti, we'll go make some."

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