Helmet! - Bing x Reader

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Imma be real with y'all. I know nothing about skateboarding. So if a get a something wrong, do not scream at me. I've skateboarded like once in my life, and I was like seven at the time.

2nd Person

Bing stands, staring out at the stairs.

"What are you doing?" you ask, walking up beside him and resting your hand on his shoulder.

"Do you think I could jump that?" Bing questions, looking away from the stairs and looking at you.

"I wouldn't try it," you say, "especially without a helmet. How about you just walk down it?" With that you step off of your own skateboard, pick it up and walk down the stairs. "I told you to bring a helmet, but you being you, of course didn't listen. You could try to jump it if you had your helmet, but without it you'd probably dent your skull." Bing doesn't respond so you continue. "Google also reminded to both of us before we headed out to bring helmets. I went back for mine because I'm not scrambling my brains, but you just waited outside for me. And when I told you to go grab your helmet, you ignored me and started walking towards the skate park. That's another thing, why couldn't we drove here? It took us so long to get out here, did you want extra practice or something? Like, what gives? I'm also pretty sure it's going to rain, and I don't want to be out here when it does. I really don't want to get soaked while wearing jeans. And socks! Do you know how gross wet socks are? You shouldn't be out in the rain either, Bing. I don't want to be responsible for you breaking down. Google's in a bad mood already. So hurry up, and get down here."

You turn around, expecting to see Bing walking down the stairs, but instead you can't locate Bing.

"Bing?" you call. When he doesn't respond you call again, "Bing!"

"Yeah, dude?" you hear from the stairs. He just have backed up to a point where you couldn't see him.

"Come on, Bing, I wanna get home!"

"Give me a minute, Y/n," you hear Bing's voice say.

"Sixty!" you say bitterly, just wanting to go back to the Manor to rest your feet.

When you get to forty-five, you start to hear the familiar sound of Bing's skateboard wheels spinning.

"Bing! You better not be trying to jump the stairs!" you scream.

Of course, Bing doesn't listen to you and a second later you see Bing trying to clear the stairs. Key word: trying. Another (surprising) key word: succeeding.

"I did it!" Bing celebrates when he manages to land his jump.

You immediately rush to his side and punch is arm.

"Ow!" he cried, rubbing the part of his arm you hit. "What was that for? Why don't I get a 'That was awesome, Bing!' instead?" he sneers, badly imitating your voice.

"You dumbass!" you yell. "You could have injured yourself! What were you thinking!? You aren't even wearing a helmet! What if you didn't make it? What if you didn't land it? What if -"

"I won't do it again," Bing promises, pouting. "I just wanted to try."

"Just because you try, doesn't always mean you'll succeed!" you snap, turning around and walking towards the Manor.

"Y/n!" he whines, running to catch up to you. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you worried! I just wanted to see if I could. What if I had worn a helmet? Would you still be mad then?"

"Yes, but not as much," you grumble, speeding up your walk.

"Y/n!" he whines again, and grabs your hand. "I'm fine, okay? I will never do it again, without a helmet, so let's just drop it."

"No, Bing!" you say. "You don't understand. It's not just about the helmet. What would have happened if you got yourself hurt? What if you couldn't have been fixed?" You drop your voice to the point where it's barely audible and look anywhere but him, "What if I lost you?"

"What?" Bing asks, not hearing the last thing you had said.

"I said: what if I lost you?" you repeat, louder than last time. "I can't bear the thought Bing. But if you hadn't made it, I could have lost you! I don't want to lose you, Bing. I love you," you whisper the last sentence, hoping he wouldn't have heard you.

"I love you, too, Y/n," Bing says, bringing you into a hug. "And, I promise, that you will never lose me."

You cry softly into his shoulder, holding Bing even tighter.

"How about we go back home and watch a movie?" suggests Bing, not making any movements to release you. "Your pick."

"Okay," you sniff.

You pull away from one another, pick up your skateboards, and walk hand-in-hand back to the Manor.

Word Count: 802

I hope you all enjoyed!! Feel free to comment, vote, and request!!

Jo out!!

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