Incorrect Quotes #4

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Hells yeah! Another one!

Y/n: So, if you have twelve apples and you give six to a friends, how many do you have?

Chase: *Already sobbing* A-a f-friend!


Dr. Iplier: Why are you always smiling?

Y/n: Because my whole life is a joke.


Jackie: EXCUSE ME! I was a superhero for ten whole minutes!

Y/n: And in that time you got kidnapped and we had to come and save you.


Y/n: *With their leg stuck in a chair and addressing the egos looking at them with confused faces* Now, you might be asking, "How did you get yourself into the situation, Y/n?" Well, guys, Y/n has no fucking clue either!


Y/n: *Hugs Dark*

Dark: What was that?

Y/n: Affection.



Dark: Do it again.


Y/n: What colour is Chase's shirt?

Sean: Grey.

Anti: Light grey.

Y/n: Go on, tell them what colour you think it is.

Chase: ... Dark white.


Wilford: Me and Y/n are best friends! Last year we shared a toothbrush!

Y/n: *Obviously disgusted* I was not aware of that!

Wilford: We did!


Sean: Hey, did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine? 'Cause you're a whole snack!

Y/n: Are you silence? Because you make me speechless.

Jackie: Who do you think is going to turn this dirty first?

Marvin: Turn this dirty!? Neither of them, they're too cute for one another.

Sean: Are you my pinkie toe? 'Cause I'm going to bang you against every piece of furniture I own.




Marvin: I take back my previous statement.

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