Hey, Googs! - Googleiplier x Reader

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Italics like this is the reader saying things in their head

2nd Person

One of your favourite things to do at the manor on Raspy Hill was annoying the shit out of the egos. There were some you couldn't annoy, like Bing and the Jims, and others that would glare at you like they wanted to shoot you, Dark, whenever you did that. There were some that took awhile for you to annoy, surprisingly Wilford and (not surprisingly) Yancy. Others tried to act like you didn't bother them, but you could see that they cracked, Dr. Iplier and Bim. Then there was one who just ignored you ... ALL. THE. TIME, Google. 

You had made it your goal to annoy Google, even if it may take thousands of years, you promised yourself, and Bing, that you'd annoy Google.

Today was no different of a day in the Manor. You had woken up and played video games with Bing for a while and then went to have lunch. That afternoon you and Bing spent your time trying to find out how you would finally stop Google ignoring you and to start annoying him. Dark might have told you and Bing to just leave Google alone and that you were being childish, but did you two care? Not whatsoever.

"Hey, Google," you slid into the room that Bing told you he was.

The android was sitting on his favourite armchair, reading from a book. When he heard your voice he rolled his eyes, glared at you swiftly, and went back to his book.

You smirk slightly and thought, Already annoyed, huh?

You walked up to behind his chair to read the book over his shoulder.

"What're you reading?" you asked, reading to first paragraph of page 136.

Google huffed and ignored your question.

"Is it good?" you questioned, genuinely curious.

Google snapped the book closed and stood up, walking out of the room.

"I wonder what crawled up his ass today," you spoke aloud.

"Bing already had a go with him before you woke up," Mark answered your question, waltzing into the room. "Google doesn't really like that one."

"Google doesn't like anyone," you said, crossing your arms over you chest.

"He and Dark do get along," Mark pointed out. "But that's probably because both of them get easily agitated. They can share things that annoy them, and agree on them."

"Damn Bing, ruining up my chances of annoying Google today," you pouted.

"I bet you could still do it," Mark told you. "You're pretty good at annoying people."

"Thanks, Mark," you rolled your eyes. "I kinda just wished I knew why he ignores me! He never talks to me, but he talks to Bing! Did I do something wrong when I first met him? Because I think it's a little unfair to hate someone who didn't know what they did wrong."

"Have you ever asked him why he ignores you?" asked Mark, looking uncomfortable. "He'd probably tell you."

"Mark, I've asked him loads of times," you replied with a sigh. "He ignores me! Not even Dark ignores me!"

"I don't know what to tell you then," Mark said, starting to sweat.

"Do you have a fever or something?" you questioned him, noticing the sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Nope," Mark responded, and then turned around. "Bye, Y/n." he called, walking out of the room."

"That was ... odd," you said.

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