38- River bed

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Over the next week, Grey and I view more places than I can count, and it very quickly becomes apparent that we are:

1. Looking for very different things and
2. Have very different methods.

This was highlighted when I, quite rightly, demonstrated how little room there would be for existential crises by lying on the floor and refusing to get up. Grey could hardly navigate around me. It would never work.

On the flip side, Grey was forever picking out the most insignificant flaws. So what if a flat technically didn't have a toilet?

I smile at how exasperated he had been when I had said that. Good times. If this had been Everett's ploy to occupy me, it had worked pretty fucking well. I barely have time to miss him, and when I do he calls me, sends stupid, heart-racing messages and when, in one unfortunate circumstance, all of that failed, he sent me an email.

I snap out of my reverie as Grey ushers me into what feels like the millionth flat of the week.

It's open plan, my eyes immediately drawn to the huge, modern windows overlooking the river. I drift to the view, smiling at the thought of Amyas in raptures over it. I glance at Grey, who is busy charming the pants off a real estate agent, and decide to get busy with my own experiments.

I stand in different points of the room, randomly throwing my arms out in wild, uncontrolled motions.

The woman speaking to Grey turns to look at me, a little concerned, but Grey waves her off with a good-natured smile. She hesitates, but eventually turns away and continues answering Grey's questions.

I nod to myself.

Spacious, enough for both my work and my temperament.

Next, I lay flat out on the floor, rolling around.

My feet never hit a wall, regardless of which way I roll, and the smooth wood floor beneath me feels calming and sturdy. I smile.

I stand up slowly, glancing around before screaming as loud as I can.

Grey jumps, shooting me a withering glare. I shut my trap, smiling apologetically. He'd asked me to start warning them before I did that after the last estate agent threatened to call the police.

I wait patiently, not hearing or seeing any response to my screech.

I wander into the bedroom and tour the kitchen, appreciating the natural light. I couldn't possibly move somewhere that my plants wouldn't thrive. I happily note on my tour that there's a spare bedroom, meaning we'd have plenty of room for brothers to come and stay.

There's a little window nook, perfect for reading and I can already imagine Everett and Walter curled up there. In fact, everywhere I look I can see Everett. At the breakfast bar, reading the news on his phone, in the bedroom, lining up his meticulously ironed shirts, by the window, watching the boats go by on the river.

I shake my head, trying to remain scientific in my enquiries.

The next step on my agenda is to go about peering into the cupboards, crawling into each one to test hiding spots. They would most likely be for my stuff, but it's good to know if I can fit in there too. Just in case.

I giggle to myself as I wedge my body into a kitchen cupboard, grinning maniacally as I hear Grey sigh.

I poke my head out suddenly, peering at the woman.

"Where are we, in relation to things? And where does he live?" I demand, pointing at Grey.

She looks puzzled, but thankfully, Grey has all the answers.

"Everett will be able to commute into and out of the city very easily, there are a number of different direct lines from this location. The studio is fifteen minutes away and I'm twenty minutes away." He says, looking down at me.

I nod pensively.

I scoot back into the cupboard for a moment, pressing my fingers together.

"Grey, please can you join me?" I say.

I hear him sigh again, murmuring something to the estate agent. Her shoes click against the flooring as she walks to the other end of the kitchen. Grey appears suddenly in my line of sight, crouching down and perching at the mouth of the cupboard.

"What do you think?" I whisper.

"I think it's in a good location, is modern and well equipped and would allow you to have guests." Grey says guardedly and I nod.

"It has met all of my requirements, too." I say, smiling when Grey rolls his eyes.

"I wish you wouldn't test them quite so enthusiastically." He mutters.

I ignore him.

"I think this is the one." I say, excitement bubbling in my stomach.

Grey looks distinctly surprised.


I nod, suddenly nervous.

"Do you think Everett will like it?" I ask hesitantly.

It's stupid, but this whole time all I've been focused on is finding the perfect place. A constant anxiety sits at the back of my mind, niggling and chipping away at me, that if it's not perfect, he won't come. It has to be perfect.

Is this perfect?

Grey smiles at me, an ancient, patient sort of smile that I will never know if I enjoy. He reaches out, tenderly patting my hands.

"He'll love it."

"What if he doesn't?" I ask, my voice just a whisper.

Grey laughs.

"It doesn't matter. You know why? Because you will be here. And he loves you."

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