5- Tempest

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I feel as though I'm being followed by an unrelenting thundercloud. My mood is foul, my work is shit and I find myself spiralling in search of anything that'll make me feel alive.

I slide my phone between my shoulder and my ear, knowing I'm sounding like a whiny little shit but I don't care. Ever since my run-in with Everett, nothing makes any sense in my world.

"Come on, Amyas. It's at the Co-ed, so you know it's going to be fun." I say, my fingers buttoning my black shirt with practised fluidity.

The Co-ed is the on-campus housing for students studying miscellaneous subjects which basically means, a free for all.

"No, I'm in the middle of my project and it's finally making sense." He says and I huff, knowing exactly what he means but really not in the mood to hear it.

"Great! So you know what you're doing now, you can take a break. Sit up straight, you know you need a break." I say persuasively and I grin when the line goes silent. When you're in the zone, all those aches and pains, hunger and thirst, whither away. Until someone points them out, that is.

Amyas groans down the line and I bite my lip to stop myself grinning.

"Fuck...fine you jammy sod. What are you wearing?" He asks and I shrug nonchalantly, glancing at my reflection.

"Just something casual." I say and he scoffs.

"That's a lie. Is it your silver jacket?" He asks and I shake my head, sliding in my hoop earring.

"No, I'm wearing a black shirt and waistcoat." I say.

Amyas is silent for a moment before laughing.

"How many times do I have to tell you? That's not a waistcoat, it's a harness. So, you're basically just looking for sex tonight?" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Absolutely not. I'm looking for inspiration." I say and he hums.

"Yeah, yeah, alright. Fine, I'll meet you there." He says, hanging up and I grin.

I roll up my sleeves, fasten my belt and slip on my boots. I rake my hair back behind my ears, noting that its basically brushing my neck now. I should probably get it cut soon. Strands fall into my eyes as I slip my rings on and grab my wallet.

Amyas lives closer to the Co-ed than I do, and I'm not surprised when I spot him waiting for me.

He's wearing a blue and white shirt that looks like ocean waves, but he's not bothered to do it up, only bothering to tuck it into his high waisted trousers. And he has the audacity to say that I'm looking for sex?

"You're a bad influence." He says, his silver necklace gleaming in the moonlight and I wink.

"I know." I say, making my way into the house.

The lights are off, the only lighting being the string lights winding up the stairs and the candles littered in empty corners. The music is R&B and new rock and mingles with the heavy scent of teen spirit.

I grin when I spot the others from our art class, my arm shrugging over James' shoulder as he passes Amyas and I a beer.

We chat for a while, art, girls, even politics but after a while I grow bored and I inevitably lose all self-control. I wander off with the 'wrong crowd', something that I swore I'd never do again a hundred times before.

Thirty minutes later and the buzz of drugs elicits lightning in my veins, enlightening my imprisoned mind for the first time in a week. I nurse my beer, my eyes constantly wandering away from the girl in front of me.

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