21- Bloom

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The next time I find myself wearing an apron, it's not nearly as enjoyable. Today is Luka's sixteenth birthday, and I had foolishly agreed to help Everett make his cake.

"What do you mean, you've never baked a cake before?" I ask incredulously, my hands on my hips as I stare my boyfriend down.

"It's not something I've ever had to do." Everett says helplessly, shrugging his shoulders.

"It's fine, you're here to help." He says reassuringly and I balk.

"What makes you think I've ever baked a cake?!" I hiss and his eyes widen in dismay.

"You've never baked a cake?" He asks urgently and I roll my eyes.

"No!" I say, trying to hush him.

"Is everything okay?" Grey asks suddenly, popping his head through the connecting doors of the dining room.

"Yep! Everything's great!" I say quickly, my voice high pitched and squeaky as I grin at him.

He gives me a deeply concerned look, only appearing satisfied by the additional nod from Everett at my side.

"Right. Whatever it is you're doing, just keep it clean. And don't mess up the cake. It's Luka's sixteenth today." He says, pointing his pen at us. We both nod animatedly.

I don't know who put Grey in charge, or if his role in life is to stage manage, but he's a fierce party planner. West was larking around with the balloons earlier and well...let's just say party planner Grey scares the shit out of me.

When Everett volunteered us for the cake making, I doubt Grey knew of our extremely limited experience.

As soon as he's out of ear shot, I turn to Everett again, fuming.

"How have you never made a cake before?" Everett hisses and I gasp.

"I grew up in an abusive, broken family of alcoholics and addicts!" I exclaim, poking him in the chest. Everett laughs somewhat at that.

"You can't use that excuse more than once a week." He points out and I pout.

"When did I use it last?" I ask, a little deflated.

"Three days ago. Didn't want to take the rubbish out." Everett says and I sigh. Rats.

"It's still a valid point." I argue. Everett is undeterred. 

"But you...you're so..." He struggles, gesturing to me and I gasp again.


I turn away from Everett, actively ignoring him as I read the recipe in front of us.

"Ledger, come on. I didn't mean..."

I shake my head, holding up my hand and he huffs.

His arms wrap around my waist, his lips pressing against my neck as I narrow my eyes. Bastard doesn't play fair.

"I'm sorry, baby." He murmurs and I click my tongue.

I raise an eyebrow, turning to look at him.

"Prove it." I mutter and he grins, happily pressing us against the counter as his lips claim mine.

"Okay, ew. So gross. If my gift is to be traumatised then I don't want it." A voice says and I pull away with a laugh, glancing at Luka's pained expression.

"Happy birthday!" I say.

His eyes widen as we approach and he tries to escape, but Everett's too quick, instead sandwiching him between us as we hug him.

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