She turns back into a human girl.

Trenton: Anymore questions?

Buckingham: None.

???: Wait!

They turn to see Nelson and Rodney running towards the group. 

Rodney: Dont go without saying goodbye to your sisters.

Bucky: Fine...

He hugged his older sisters and then let's go.

Nelson: Be careful, we dont you getting killed or captured like Trenton.

Bucky: I will sis.

Trenton: You guys ready?

His fleet: Ja!/Yes!

Trenton's fleet wave goodbye and left the docks of Azur lane for Nassau.

At the Ocean

Trenton is seen in his bridge looking out at the sea until Bucky appeared behind him.

Bucky: So, you were captured by the Sakura Empire, What did they do to you?

He sighs continue to look at the sea and spoke up

Trenton: Eh nothing, they invited me to join them and I refuse until 5 months later...That evil fox called me out of the cell and shows me the remains of my sisters....

Bucky: Oh....

Trenton: Dont worry I found out that they're still alive and thats why I have to see someone on Nassau. How about you? did you get captured?

Bucky: No, I didnt get captured. After I was completed I was trained by Renown until the Crimson axis plans to invade Britain. 

He pause for a moment and continues.

Bucky: Renown told me to go Cape Town in South Africa to hide from Crimson axis. I did as I was told and hide there for months, until I found out that Azur lane is defeated. This news made my heart sank because my sisters Nelson and Rodney are stationed in Azur lane base were either killed/captured. As I was about to leave the port of Cape Town to rescue them, I saw alot of axis soldiers patroling all around the town looking for me. So I continue to hide there a bit longer until they were gone.

Trenton: Woah.

Buckingham: While I was hiding, I keep hearing your name from people and some Axis soldiers about how you freed our comrades and rebuild Azur lane, I was so eager to meet you and say thank you.

The carrier shurgged his shoulders.

Trenton: Your welcome.

Him and Bucky then fist bumps with each other.

Bucky: Okay, Let's go find your sisters.

He nodded.

Time skip

When they arrived at docks of Nassau they saw a person that is looks alot like Trenton.

T: Greetings Everyone!

Bucky, FDG, Roon, Sandy and Jupiter then raised their weapons at T.

Sandy: A META what's he doing here?!

T: Oh hold your horses I'm not here to fight you so please put them down.

They all lower weapons.

Trenton: So what are we gonna do about rescuing my sisters?

Roon: Wait, he's the one who told you about your sisters who are still alive?

Trenton: Uh yeah.

T: Anyways, if we want to rescue your sisters we need to get to either Bismarck and her sister or Akagi and her sister cause they're the only ones who knows where the sirens kept Yorktown, Enterprise and Hornet.

Trenton: If we get to either Bismarck or Akagi and interrogate them we rescue my sisters?

T: That's the plan.

FDG: It's easier said than done. The Bismarck class and the first carrier division are strong and protected by the most skilled ships of their faction.

Bucky: Along with their mass produced siren ships as well.

He added.

T: And that's where I come in, I'll train you guys on how to fight against the odds.

Jupiter: Really?

T: Mhmm starting Tomorrow.

At the Iron blood

Bismarck is in her office doing her own thing, a siren appeared infront of her.

Observer Alpha: Hello again Bismarck.

Bismarck: What is it that you want Observer?

Observer: I just want to inform you about Trenton and the other one.

Bismarck: Other one?

Observer: Just like Trenton, the Royal Navy made their own shipboy named HMS Buckingham.

Bismarck: What about them?

Observer: I want you to hunt them down with your newest ship and the one from Sakura Empire aswell to see if they can handle against them.

Bismarck thinks for a moment, she knows that alot of Iron blood shipgirls will do anything to chase down Trenton and kill FDG and Roon for betraying them .

Bismarck: Alright.

Observer: Good luck

Observer opens the portal and disappears into it. Bismarck then goes out of his office and goes to someone's room. When she arrived and opened the door she sees a boy with blond hair and blue eyes that is wearing a german officer uniform, his name is KMS Wilhelm 3rd of the Bismarck class.

The other one is a kitsune with red eyes, white hair and wearing kimono. His name is IJN Yokohama.

Bismarck: Bruder.

Wilhelm: What is it schwester?

Bismarck: I have a task for you two.

They got up.

Yoko: What is it?

Bismarck: I want you to hunt down Trenton's fleet, they're located at Nassau so prepare yourselves this is your chance to bring glory to the Crimson axis.

Wilhelm/Yoko: Ja!/Hai!

Bismarck left his room and prepare themselves on killing the traitors and to capture/kill Trenton and Buckingham alive. They soon talk about how are they gonna deal with Trent's fleet.

Wilhelm: Those inferiors shall taste the might of the Ironblood.

Yoko: Trenton, I'll be coming for you.

They both give a sinister smile and everything fades to darkness except their glowing eyes and smiles.

To be continued...

The 4th Yorktown class (OC X Azur Lane) [Warning: Gore]Where stories live. Discover now