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            Jake storms into my room, sketched and a little upset. I loom at him confused and he looks at me like I know something happened.

"What happened in here?" He finally speaks up.

"Nothing, why?" I repeat his tone just more confused.

"Sam just stor-" he started before cutting himself off and not saying anything and storming out of my room, I walk after him.

"Jake, why are you mad? Did I do something?" I ask, genuinely confused but then he bangs on Sam's door.

I hear shuffling on the other side but before Sam could open the door, I pull Jake aside.

"Is it because you think we kissed or something? Just because he stormed out of my room? He probably did that because he might of not been lying and put the worst outfits in my bag. As a joke. But then again, I don't think he will ever do that. He probably felt uncomfortable with the silence we were left in," I ramble on telling the truth. But Jake doesn't seem to take it.

"Is that the truth because it doesn't seem like it and I feel like you're lying to me." He says upset and kinda of sternly. I roll my eyes in reply.

"If you don't want to believe me, you don't have to. If you don't trust your own girlfriend then why even date me." I slap my hand over my mouth at the realization at what I just said, shook written all over me and Jake. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that, it just came out." Jake walked away. Tears brimming my eyes. I stood there, unable to move. I hear a door open and shut, almost a slam, knowing it's Sam's room. Jake just entered Sam's room. Going in there to ask him about the truth. I lean against the wall and slide down, some tears falling from my eyes and whispering to myself,

"What have I just done?" Over and over again. I repeated myself.

Hearing footsteps coming my way, I try to calm down and straighten myself before they saw me.

Josh rounded the corner. He looks at me with questionable eyes, basically asking me if I was okay. I shake my head no in reply.

He walks up to me and embraces my in a warm hug and I just cry in his shoulder.

"I heard you sniffling from downstairs. Danny is outside on the phone with Mac. But if he were to hear you I'm sure he would be here too." He whispered in my ear, trying to reassure me.

"Did you hear anything?"

He didn't say anything, shaking his head no and I feel a little relieved but not too sure and I pull away, whipping my eyes. I hear Sam's door slam shut again, causing me to flinch. Jake glaring at me and Josh in the hall, giving me a knowing look to obviously not tell Josh and let him hear it from Sam.

I pulled Josh aside to a place where Jake can't hear. My balcony. Every room has one but I was sure that Jake wasn't going to use his during the time me and Josh were talking. I tell him about the fight. He listens like he use to. Like he always does but he was surprising silent the whole time.

"I'm sorry for telling you this. I didn't want you to hear it from Sam this time, I wanted you to hear it from me."

He nods,

"It's completely fine Jenna. I'm just happy we could start opening up towards each other and actually listen like we used to." He smiles a little and that causes me to smile a little too. My smile fades as I know what I am going to say next.

"I just don't know why I said that. I feel super bad and it just rolled off my tongue and I said I was sorry and I really am. But I really hurt him Josh. I really fucked up didn't I?" Tears burning at the edge of my eyes. Threatening to fall.

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