Chapter 2 - WORRIED

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TW: Mention of abuse.

I woke up with a pounding in my head the next morning. I hear Sam's hollers down the halls waking everyone up. "GET UP BEFORE I EAT ALL OF YOUR GUYS FOOD," I head downstairs after Sam finishes yelling and I just want to strangle him right then and there.

"Could you get any louder?" I ask very annoyed.

"Oh. You're hungover aren't you?" Josh says joining the conversation as he jumps down the last 3 steps.

"Yes and this annoying Samuel Kiszka is making me want to strangle him." I replied.

"Ok. First, don't strangle him. Second, let me whip you up a special drink that helps. You will have to take an Advil too." Josh replies while walking into the kitchen making a drink and getting me an Advil and handing it to me. I take the cup of this liquid and the Advil and put both the drink and Advil down my throat and boy does the drink make me want to throw up.

Jake comes down while we're all eating. Well Josh, Danny, Sam and Emilie. I am not. I am just playing with my food. My head hurts so much that I can't even eat. "You alright?" I hear someone ask as I whip my head to look at Jake with a concerned look on his face. I nod my head, obviously lying and he stops putting the pancakes on his plate, putting his half full plate of food on the marble counter and pulls me out of the kitchen that I was eating in because I was eating at the island counter. He pulls me into a hall, "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks again. I nod lying again, and he nods heading back to the kitchen, and I follow him and go to sit at the island again and Emilie comes up to me and pulls me into the same hall as Jake just pulled me into.

"Can I help yo-" I try to finish my sentence as I am interrupted,

"Are you alright? Why aren't you eating?" She asks the same thing as Jake,

"I am fine. Just not hungry. I know the food is great and that they're great cooks but I am just a little tired and not hungry. I might eat in five minutes though, okay?" She nods and I go upstairs to the guest bedroom I was in to change back in the clothes I was wearing last night and head back downstairs. Emilie grabs me again and pulls me to the hall I was just in with her 3minutes ago.

"Where did you get the clothes you wore to sleep?" She asks curiously.

"Jake said I can borrow them for the night. Why? Wait, where did you get those clothes?"

"Josh." She replies.

"Ok well now that I am up and ready, I am going to eat now." I say heading back to the island and eat my pancakes and Sam comes and sits next to me.

"Hey. How's the pancakes?" Sam asks while I still haven't taken a bite yet, making me not want to eat anymore.

"Oh yeah, they're amazing! Might go for seconds!" I say sarcastically. He realizes that this is still my first plate and I haven't had any. His facial expression changes to worry. It has been almost 30minutes since my plate was served. He walked back to everyone else and Jake came back out into the kitchen five minutes after Sam left.

"Are you even hungry?" He asks with worry. I shake my head no and he doesn't say anything further because he doesn't want to push anything. He walks off with an upset look on his face. I went and got my stuff together from the guest room and decided to stay in the room that I had slept in the night of the concert considering I never even knew that this would happen.

About 30 minutes later while I was watching my show, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Jake standing there. "May I come in?" He asks nicely, as I open the door enough for him to come in. He walks in and sits on the bed. I sat next to him but kept a distance from him. He looks at me with concern and worry. "I'm worried about you. Sam thought you were already on your third plate until he realized you weren't hungry and hadn't eaten yet. We all worry about you Jenna. Is everything okay with your family?" He asks, knowing about the past with my family. I never had the best relationship with my parents. I look down at my lap fiddling with my fingers. He sighs and I look up at him to see him already looking at me with worry and concern painted all over his face.

I shake my head, "no. Not really." I mumble with tears welling in my eyes as I look back down at my lap. His eyes are waiting for me to look back at him, but they can't seem to look at him because they can't bear to look at him yet.

"Do you mind filling me in?'

"I-I uh. My mom and dad split and I got a new place to live but before I did, My mom and I got into a fight and she almost broke my arm. And that's when I bought the house I live in now. She has tried calling and texting me multiple times but I always refuse to answer." I rant with my tears falling out of my eyes like a pool that broke. He hugs me and I cry into his shoulder for a good 10 minutes.

"Everything will be okay, I know it will. But are you okay?" Jake asks while also comforting me. I pull away and wipe my eyes while giving him a smile. I nod as his face is a little more relaxed but still full of concern.

"Yeah, I am fine. I am just worried my mom will see me because I'm back here. So I don't really want to go anywhere except to my hotel or here. I don't want her to try anything." I say looking him in the eyes as he nods. I know that he feels even more worried about me from before because I wasn't eating and now that he knows about the things my mom has done. "Just please don't tell anyone. Even Emilie doesn't know." I finish and he nods.

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