Chapter 4 - DISTANT

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TW: Substance usage, Vaping

            I woke up around 9:30am with a pounding headache. I drank a lot last night to the point I couldn't remember anything. I walk downstairs with my hand on my forehead. I walk into the kitchen and put my hand that was recently on my forehead over my eyes, I ground and sit down at the island in the kitchen. I let my head fall to the counter as I feel someone tap my shoulder.

"Whoever you are, please leave a grumpy, tired and hungover me, alone." I say with my head still on the marble counter.

"Whatever you say." The familiar voice says.

"Josh. Can you make that drink again? As Well as passing an Advil?"

"Mhm, sure." He says, as he gets the ingredients.

After about 5 minutes with my head still on the island counter, I hear footsteps and don't bother to look. Plus I could care less whoever it was. Josh hands me Advil plus the drink and I take the drink and Advil putting them in my mouth and swallowing them. The footsteps are quiet once they hit the bottom of the stairs. I don't think of it because the only thing I am thinking of right now is, not throwing up. I put the glass down once I feel as though I am not going to throw up because of the test. Someone puts their hands on my shoulders.

"Boo!" He says as I jump, falling out of my chair. I yelped in fright and pain as I landed on the floor, hurting my tailbone and wrist. Jake helps me up, apologizing many times. I sat back in the chair I was sitting in before I fell. 'Why does Jake have to be so nice?' I thought to myself.

"I'm so sorry, please tell me you aren't upset or mad." He rambles with so much innocence in his voice and sorry written all over him.

"It's fine Jake. I'm not mad or upset. It was an accident and you didn't mean for it to happen. It's not like you planned for it to happen. So don't worry." I smile.

"Is your wrist okay?" He asks with worry. I shake my head, lying. It hurt so bad that I didn't want him to worry about me so much, especially since all the stuff that has happened. He gives me a look like he knows I was lying.

"Okay fine. Just a little though." I admit, half lying.

"Want anything to eat?" He asks weirdly, changing his tone and the subject, getting up, looking for something to eat.

"Uh, No thanks." I replied.


'Why did he change like that all of a sudden? He's never like that. He never just changes the subject especially after a conversation like that. Did I do something wrong?' I think to myself. I sigh and go outside, sitting by the pool. After a while, someone joins me.

"Hey Jenna," Sam says. Sitting next to me.

"Hey Sam," I reply with a dry tone.

"Are you alright?" He asks, looking at me with concern on his face.

"Yeah. Just tired and hungover, waiting for the drink that Josh made me to sit in, ya know?"

He nods and we sit in silence for a while.

"Want anything to eat? He asks after a while breaking the silence. I nod.

"Just something small because Jake asked me about 25 minutes ago, and I don't want to throw up just yet." I explain laughing a little before getting up and waiting on Sam before walking inside.

He makes me a singular waffle with maple syrup. As he hands me the plate, I see Jake in the corner of my eye. I smile at Sam thanking him and Jake walks out, going upstairs. As we walked away he looked upset, angry and hurt. I didn't know who he was mad at. I finish eating and go upstairs after putting my plate in the sink. I go upstairs to the room I always stay in when I stay at the Kiszka's. I walk in to see Jake sitting on a chair that's in the corner of the room.

"Jake, what are you doing in here?" I asked very curiously.

"Do you like him?" He asks, avoiding looking at me.

"I'm sorry what? Sam? No!"

"Well you seem like you do," He says, sounding so upset and hurt. It shattered my heart.

"Jake, I don't like him." He nods looking up at me with teary eyes before walking out of the room. I sigh and flop down on the bed. Overthinking is something I do daily. And I find myself doing so right now.

I grab a joint, lighting it. Once the joint is done, I grab my vape and take a couple hits before Emilie barges into the room.

"Jenna, He's so upset." She says after closing the door, I give a confused look. "Jake. What happened between you two?"

"He thinks I like Sam," I said as she returned a shocked look. She didn't return any words before heading out of the room. I watch some of my favourite shows on my phone.

An hour passes and I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I say, letting whoever is on the other side to let themselves in. I pause the episode I am watching on my phone and locking it. Sam walks in.

"I'm sorry if you and Jake fought. But I thought it was obvious that I like you." He admits. I knew he had liked me for a while, I never told him though. Plus I don't like him the way he likes me. 'Do I like Jake? Why do I act so differently around him?' I ask myself.

"It's okay Sam. I get that you like me, but I like someone else. I'm sorry." I replied. He looks at me with sadness and hurt in his eyes. I gave him an apologetic smile and pulled him into a hug.. I saw Jake in the hall heading downstairs but he stopped to look at me and made eye contact. He looked so hurt. It hurt me so much to see him hurt. He continues to head downstairs and I pull away from Sam letting him be, considering I know how I had hurt him badly. I knew he needed alone time, so I gave him just that. 'Why do I always hurt the people I love or those close to me?' I question myself overthinking. Some tears fall from my eyes as I go to sit in the chair Jake was in about an hour and a half ago. I find myself crying for about an hour before getting hungry. I walk into the washroom that is connected to the guest room I always stay in. I cleaned my face as best as I could before heading downstairs and to the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen to find Jake sitting there scrolling on his phone. I don't bother looking at him and completely ignore him because it would break me more to see him upset, I look through the fridge to find something to make myself for food. I feel his stare burning through me like lasers. 'Why does he even care so much about me anyways. Why a girl like me that seems like an attention seeker?' I think to myself again. I put some leftover dinner from last night into the microwave and turned on the timer. I turn around leaning against the counter.

"Oh god. Jenna, are you alright?" Josh asks as he walks into the kitchen. Jake had stopped staring once I turned around and gone on my phone. But that causes his head to snap up. I nod and Josh just shrugs not pushing any further and Jake gives me the, "Why do you keep lying" look. The timer on the microwave dings as I was going to talk to him. I turn around taking my food and going outside to eat. After a couple minutes of me being eatside, someone joins me. I don't bother looking to see who it was.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jake's voice rings through my ears. I shake my head no.

"I don't want to get into details but all I am going to say is that I have had a rough week. That's a long story short." He nods and sits next to me. We sit in silence for a while.I finish eating and sit there with my eyes shut. Jake had left about five minutes ago. He comes back in his swim trunks and picks me up and jumps in the pool, with me in his arms. I come up to the surface to see him laughing. I get out taking his towel drying off. I walk upstairs to Ronnie's room, knocking on the door.

"Hey! What's up?" She asks and looks at me with a, "what the hell happened to you?" look.

"May I borrow some clothes? Jake tossed me in the pool and now I am soaked. She laughs and replies simply,

"Yeah I can tell." She says, grabbing some clothes and hands them to me. "When you're done changing do you want to chill in my room with Emilie and I?" She asks. I nod, heading back to the guest room and changing, fixing my makeup and tossing the wet clothes in the tub of the guest room's washroom. I head back to Ronnie's room, knocking on her door once more. She lets me in and we all talk for a good three hours. We head downstairs and Ronnie asks the boys at the bonfire. They all come but Jake. Why is he being so distant? Is it because I hurt him?

UNEXPECTED • Jake KiszkaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin