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      I wake up the next morning to find I am in my bed with my windows perfectly fine, different pyjamas and Jake not there. I look around confused. Was it all a dream. Even those dreams I had? Were the last three days dreams?! No wonder they felt so quick. Or was everything a dream? Going to see my Highschool best friends I hadn't seen in so long a dream? Becoming Jake's girlfriend? Did i still like him over these past years?

I check my phone to see that its July 21st of 2022 and its 8:14am. I sigh of relief when the date is right. But I run downstairs to see everyone sitting around in different pyjamas from last night and everything was perfectly fine. The glass everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I made eye contact with Jake.

"Are you okay Jenna?" He holds my hands and looks in both my eyes with worry writing all over him. I shake my head no. "What happened?"

I pull him aside and tell him everything and how skeptical I feel right now if me and him are dating or not.

"Oh of course we are. Don't worry." He smiles a reassuring smile as I nod and smile back.

We walk back into the living room and everyone looks at me with worried eyes. I try to shake it off by eating pancakes and reading but they kept asking if I was okay.

"I am fine! Can you guys stop asking me if I am okay! Just a weirdly realistic dream! Like hella realistic," I say super annoyed and they all look at me shocked at how I flipped at them. They haven't really seen me flip on them that much that when I do, they're shocked. Sam and Jake are fine so that is good so is Josh and all of them too. So that good that was real. I'm just super confused on how everything is working. I know it was three days but was just the tiniest of naps leading to them? Why were my dreams so realistic and why was my dad there?

It makes me wish I were there and not here. Everything felt perfect.

What snapped me out of my train of thought was Danny walking over to me, gently putting his hand on my shoulder and asking softly,

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I nod slightly and we walk outside into my patio and I tell him everything.

"Can you explain to Josh and Sam what happened? I don't think I can handle it because of what happened before. I don't remember when we had a normal conversation without the whole Josh fight and Sam fight. It felt so perfect and realistic. It makes me want to be there forever, you know?" I ask, my knee bouncing as we sit in the chairs that are right outside my door with a little table.

"Yes. Of course I can do that Jenna." He smiles softly and goes inside but right before he does, I stop him.

"Hey Danny?"


"Thank you for being so supportive all these years. I don't want it to seem like I am dumping everything on you. You're like a big brother to me. I look up to you a lot. And I thank you a lot for that."

He smiles and returns inside before mouthing a, 'you're welcome.'

I sit outside then Sam comes out after about five minutes.

"Jenna I'm sorry. I didn't know and now I'm genuinely worried about you. You never snap at us and you having a realistic dream of three days. With your dad in it too. You should probably talk to someone. But on the plus side, we do have a week until the tour starts and you have a job. So, keep looking forward to that. It will be fun."

I smile at his kind words and then i think of something and before I think of saying or not it just rolls out of my mouth, off my tongue.

"Wanna help me pack?"

His face lights up.

"I'm going to give you the worst outfits EVER!" And he runs off to my room.

I run after him yelling,


Jake just laughs as we run by him yelling back and forth.



(Literally copy how Sam said "I smell a rHaT")


And that goes on for about five more minutes. We get to my room and I try kicking him out but fail many times. He tried tossing me on the bed but I squirmed out of his tight grip.

"LEMME GOOOOOO!!" I squeal.

"Never!" He said like he owns the place.

"EEKKK," then I squirm free.

We listen to music while cracking jokes. I miss these days when their family went on trips and they invited me so I don't have to deal with my mom.

I smile softly then was interrupted by Sam,

"Jenna you okay? You spaced out there."

"Yeah just happy. Happy we are back to being best friends again."

I smile and he smiles back, nodding then we are left there in awkward silence and music.

•Sam's POV•

"Yeah just happy. Happy we are back to being best friends again." She smiles sweetly. Which makes me smile back. Hidden with pain by the fact I was friend zoned.

I get it, her and Jake are dating and they are happy, but if me and Jenna dated, we would be super happy. We would be able to do this more often. I will continue to fight until I win her over.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Josh opened the door and smiles at the sight if us getting along but didn't realize the awkwardness in the air.

"How you feeling Jen?" He asks her.

"I'm better now thank you for asking," she smiles sweetly. He turns to me and give me a knowing look.

He knows I like Jenna a lot. He realizes we are back at our best friend area and he thinks I might have a shot now. I just want to keep things clean between us. I snap out of my thoughts and wave at Josh before he waves back and leaves.

"Weird," I mumble quietly, hoping Jenna wouldn't hair.

"Sorry you're gonna have to speak louder than that." Jenna says. I shake my head no.

"Nothing." I pause, "Just want to say, you're done packing."

"Thank you." She smiles purely and looks me in the eyes. I smiles and mumble a, 'you're welcome.'

Heat rising to both our cheeks before I rush out of there. Jake comes in right as I rush out. I bumped into him the slightest bit. He looks at me super confused but now kind of sketched out.

"Sorry," I mumble before I storm away leaving a confused and sketched out Jake. I'm fucked.


I know it has been a while but i had some trouble with Shein about a day or two ago and it was my outfit for my show that's in 13days. I basically have nothing ti wear now and I am super scared that my stuff that was almost 60 bucks never comes. But hopefully it does as I tried fixing it and hopefully it does get fixed.

Anyways loves. Its late so I should be heading off the bed. Enjoy your meal!!

All love,

UNEXPECTED • Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now