Chapter 16 - LOST

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TW: Alchol usage.

I wake up the next morning and walk downstairs and find Jake making food.

"Good morning." I say as I sit at a stool at the island.

"Good morning sunshine," he smiles looking back at me. I smile back and pull out my phone and scroll through Instagram. Jake puts a plate of food he has cooked in front of me.

"I want you to actually eat today. And I will be sitting here and be eating with you." I nod and wait for him to serve himself. He sits down, serving himself and I start to eat.

We finish eating and Josh comes down the stairs. I give him a glare and put my dish in the sink and aggressively go upstairs. I walk into someone once I reach the top of the stairs causing me to almost fall down them. He grabs my wrist and grabs me so I don't fall. He pulls me close to him and then I look up at him and realize I had walked into Sam. I realized how close we were and I went to pull away but he pulled me close.

"Sam, please." I looked downstairs to see if Jake was seeing anything. Thankfully he wasn't watching or able to see anything that was going on. I look back at Sam with pleading eyes for him to let go. He leans in closer to my face. I try pulling away but he puts his hand around my waist.

"You don't want to fall again." He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Just let me go please." I asked and he did so. I rush down the stairs and straight to Jake.

I walk to him and hug him tightly, slightly shaking. He turns around and hugs me back. I nuzzle my face in his chest, breathing in his scent which calms me down.

"Woah, hey. What's wrong?"  He asks, rubbing my back a little.

"Can we talk alone?" I whisper.

"Yeah." He replies and pulls away from my hug and I do so too. We walk outside into the yard. I looked up at Sam's room to see if he was listening. His window was shut and same with his blinds.

"What's wrong Jenna?" He questions.

"Sam. I walked into him once I got to the top of the stairs. He caught me and pulled me close to him. He tried kissing me and I tried to pull away but he pulled me closer to him and whispered. "You don't want to fall again." I asked for him to let go again because I had asked while trying to pull away before he whispered in my ear. He let go after the second time I asked. And then I ran down the stairs and hugged you and now we are here." I say with tears pooling in my eyes and once I finish rambling they are streaming down my face like a river. He pulls me into a hug and I cry on his chest. "Please just talk to him. Don't hurt him please."

"I won't hurt him. Unless I have to."

"Thank you." I say before he kisses my forehead and pulls away from the hug. I walk to a chair and sit down. I stopped crying and I wiped away the tears when I heard the door open.

"Are you okay Jenna?" I hear Ronnie ask.

"I am now thank you for asking though." I smile, turning my head to her. She sits on the chair next to me. We sit in silence for what feels like forever before I start to hear yelling inside. Me and Ronnie look at each other and book it inside. I run to Jake who's yelling at Sam.

"Why now? Why are you even trying when you know she is dating me!" Jake yells. I walk in front of him and he looks at me. I hug him and Sam just stares at us. I pulled him away from Sam and the room Sam and Jake were just in.

"Do you want to go hiking or camp out in the forest where we normally camp out to get away from all this for the night?" I ask.


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