I will always protect you

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?" Vance asked as he stepped closer


"yes there is. Tell me"

"There's nothing-" I tried to explain but Vance had cut on the light and gasped.

"What the fuck happened?"

I decided to just tell him since I knew he would continue to press me if I lied.

"My dad."

Vance also had an abusive dad before Vance put him in the hospital for almost killing his mother. So I know his is a tough subject for him. I still don't know how he didn't face time.

"Get some sleep. My question isn't that important" Vance said turning off my light and walking back to my window.

That actually made me realize how tired I was.

"See you tomorrow" I said as I locked my window and watched Vance stomp away. clearly angry.

As soon as I touched my bed I was out like a light.

No one's Pov

It was the weekend.

Finney wanted to stay in bed but he couldn't.

He had already slept late, he was hungry, and his eye burned and he knew he needed to ice it so it would heal quickly.

It was 6:37 at night so that meant that his dad was at the bar.

He got up and got his icepack and placed it on his eye and grabbed a bag of chips and went back upstairs and watched tv.

Meanwhile Vance and robin were waiting outside the town bar for Finn's father.

"I'm gonna kill that fucker" Robin paced.

surprisingly Vance was eerily calm. Which kind of freaked robin out at first but was replaced by anger when he saw Finn's father stumble out of the bar and walk crookedly to the sidewalk.

Finney's dad didn't have a car so he had to walk everywhere which was perfect for their plan.

Vance walked behind the drunken man and tapped his shoulder.

The man turned around confused.

"You Finn's dad?" Vance asked.

"Yeah why"

"For this!" Vance yelled and punched the man in the eye. The same one Terrence had hit his own son in.

Then robin ran up to him and kicked him in the stomach.

The two boys were in sync as they pummeled the man until he was black and blue. Throwing punches and kicks until their knuckles turned a reddish purple

"You like hitting kids huh? Well how does it feel you hijo de puta!?" robin yelled as he stomped the man in the face.

"If you touch Finn or Gwen I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna kill you." Vance said kicking the man in the stomach and standing up.

Vance and robin both spit on him and walked away. Blood on their hands and smiles on their faces.

While Terrence was unconscious. Blood and tears on his face and his pants were soaked. They literally beat the piss out of him.

As soon as Vance got home he called Finn.

"You'll never have to worry about him anymore."

"Who? Finn replied

"Your dad. Me and robin took care of him for you. I'm gonna hit the hay. see you tomorrow" Vance said and hung up the phone.

He clearly didn't want to give off details so Finn left it alone.

Just as he was about to get back comfortable in bed.

"AHHH" Finney screamed as he saw robin at his window.

he looked scary. Blank face, Bruised knuckles, and dried blood that clearly wasn't his.

Finney now understood what Vance meant by 'took care of'

he wordlessly opened his window and let robin in

"Are you ok?" Finney asked going into his bathroom and getting some peroxide and band aids

"I'm fine hermoso" robin said finally smiling.

Finney turned red a little. robin always called him beautiful but it still made his heart beat faster. 'stupid crush' he thought as he sat the supplies on his counter.

"I just wanted to see you" he said as he walked into the bathroom and let Finney clean and bandage his hands.

"You shouldn't fight for me" Finney frowned

"I'll always fight for you"

Finney said nothing and just stared at robin.

"Why?" Finn said as he finished bandaging robin's hands.

"Because I love you" robin replied seriously.

Finney turned bright red

"I love you too robin"

"Not as a friend Finn" robin said walking out of the bathroom and sitting on Finn's bed.

"But that doesn't mean- AHH!" Robin said as he was cut off from Finney jumping on him and making the headboard of the bed roughly hit the wall.

"Finn what the f- mmh"


Their lips were touching.

Robin decided to cherish the moment and quickly kissed back.

The kiss was perfect. Their lips were a little chapped but the kiss was smooth and sweet.

Finney slowly backed away while robin chased his lips.

"I meant what I said. I love you too. but I still don't want you to fight for me" Finney smiled as he fixed robins bandana.

"Finn." robin said and pulled him in for another kiss.

"I will always protect you."

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