Chapter Eleven

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Nyx's Pov
"I'm telling you this place is haunted I know you heard that shit last night it sounded like a girl was screaming."

  "I was way too busy in a deep sleep to pay attention to it Vinnie." I snickered in my sleepy state scrolling through my phone mindless checking on little updates here and there that appeared on my phone. It was an eventful day, and I was so ready to head back to the hype house to stay closed up in my room. I felt Vinnie's arms loosely loop around my waist before feeling his head weakly rest on the side of my shoulder blade.

"Sometimes you can be seriously crazy Nyx, I don't know how you slept through any of that." He exclaimed just a bit whining loosely. I finally had let my phone rest into my lap shaking with laughter, before I move my arm to lift up his head a bit so he could stare at me.

"You know you whine a lot may be that's why I like you." A husky chuckle escape from him before he leaned in to gently press a few kisses allover my lips a smile growing on his face.

"Yes I'm sure that's why you love me, come on we need to gather our stuff before someone starts yelling." I myself almost started to whine at the thought being brought back into a last grin being pinned to the bed. A loud snort and desperate cry for help when the both of us ended up tumbling out of the small twin size bed landing harshly on the floor.

I couldn't help the loudest laugh that left me when you could hear how loud the fall was echoing around. I'm sure everyone and even recording team heard it.

"Ow fuck my ass."

"Get off me Vinnie my ribs!"

I was gonna miss the little villa. I was exactly too sure why. Aside from all the pointless arguing it was nice to get away and about with everyone else. One back at the mansion the same exact things were gonna occur just at random now.

A small yawn escaped from my lips silently feeling the arms tighten around me, bringing me closer into his embrace. I was sure both me and Vinnie had almost fallen asleep during this entire ride.

"You know what's gonna happen when we head back right." A low sounding hum left me quietly slowly fluttering my eyes open for a moment listening to the deep rumble from Vinnie's chest.

"So if my memory like totally recalls. A fake wedding is happening and one more thing if my mind serves me right we only have a few more eps the thought makes me whine." I chuckled hugging my arms through the sleeves of my sweater leaning back firmly shifting my eyes around a couple times.

"I'm gonna miss the cameras being around I think it's brought me very much out of my shell I've enjoyed this very long year of filming."

"You do know  that's just because we are dating now we are keeping our separate rooms. So you can do your thirst traps and gaming and I can sleep soundly." The loudest snort escaped from him in disbelief nudging me slightly with his big hands lifting up his palm for me to press onto his own.

"Wow what's the point of having a girlfriend if she isn't there to cuddle me all night? I'm hurt in my chest." I choked on my own little short rubbing my fingertips all across his open palm, tracing my fingertips over the shape of the tattoos on place.

"Oh please half of the time you are in my room anyway you are just whining to whine Vinnie." He faked pouted gripping at my cheeks with a grin.  He squished at them in place making me make a duck face he pressed a few sample kisses over my lips before finally giving me a firm one.

"Okay that's true I'm happy again." I held back my soft snort bouncing slightly in place grabbing his palm to press on my own cheek cuddling into the warmth in one solid moment, I was content without a single worry thought going through me.

"Love birds the cameras have been filming you two for a solid three minutes." Mia grinned casually from peeking around her seat, whistling with wiggle to her eyebrows she then squeaked out a laugh when Thomas grabbed at her face to make her sit back down in his own seat laughing loudly at her.

"You're just mad I'm getting  cuddles." Vinnie exclaimed sticking his tongue out before showering my face in fast kisses.

"You are giving me your germs! Hands off."

"I will tickle you Nyx hold still damn it."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 07 ⏰

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OneXOne (Vinnie Hacker) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ