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Hudson stalks toward me, our faces so close together, not even paper could slide through

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Hudson stalks toward me, our faces so close together, not even paper could slide through. I make the first move. I slam my lips on his mouth. Our kiss was rougher than before. Last time we kissed, it wasn't as rough.

His mouth tasted amazing, peppermint and whiskey. It was prodigious, it felt amazing, it felt like I belonged here with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Jump." He barked. I did as I was told and jumped. My legs wrapped around his waist; he walked over to his desk and sat me down on the edge.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me, returning back to our heavy kiss. I moaned when he bit down on my lip. He stuck his tongue in my mouth, our tongues danced together.

"Please" I begged, It was good. I wanted more. I needed more

"Not yet. I don't want your first time to be here." He mumbles into our kiss. He couldn't get any hotter.

"I don't care, Hudson." I pulled back from the kiss. Please give it to me.

"I do." He frowns. Hudson tries to go back in for the kiss, but I dismiss him.

"I want us to be a couple." He shocks me. I nod my head.

"Gosh, you're so hot." I grab his hair and push him back towards me. Kissing his mouth.

We make out for a couple of minutes, before he pulls back and starts kissing my jaw down to my neck.

"Oh lord." I whisper. I've never had this done to me before, and it felt perfect. A knock interrupts us. God, why now? Hudson ignores it, still sucking on my skin. I lean my head back, enjoying this.

The person knocks again, but harder. "Boss" They yell. Hudson groans and walks over to the door. He opens it halfway. It was one of the guards. I hear mumbling, then something about lockdown.

"What's going on?" I ask, Hudson enters back into the room and runs around his office grabbing weapons. He hands me a gun, and I widen my eyes. He grabs my chin and pulls me toward him.

"Whatever happens, you were the best fucking thing to happen to me. Whatever comes our way the next couple of hours, we can do it. After this is all over, we will have our happy ending, kids, and all okay." He wept. His eyes turning red, he was grieving. I nodded my head.

"What's going on?" I ask again.

"We're under attack. It's too early, but we are prepared. I'm going to take you to the safe room, everyone will be there. Keep Greyson safe, okay?" He kisses the top of my head. Tears fall down my cheek.

"Please be safe, we need our happy ending." He grabs my hand and takes me to the safe room. We kiss each other goodbye then he leaves. I look around the safe room. It was all brick, no lights attached to the walls, beds were in the corner. Women and men were scattered all over. Some were the guards and house workers' families. Some were injured guards. I looked around for a familiar face. Mia, Greyson, Alex, Elle.... I couldn't find them.

"Aunt A!" A voice yells, it was Greyson. I hugged him for my dear life.

"What's going on?" He asked. I didn't really know much.

"I don't know, bud. But we're safe for now, okay?" He nods and guides me over to everyone else. It was Alex, Cecila, Elle, Mia, and my sister.

"Where were you?" My sister asked me. She glared at me. Why was she so upset?

"I was in Hudson's office." I tell her. Why did I have to explain myself to her? She rolled her eyes and grabbed Greyson.

"Come to mommy. It will be okay, darling. Hudson will save us all." I rolled my eyes at her, then walked over to Mia.

"You okay?" I asked her, she was pregnant. I had to check. She was holding her very pregnant belly.

"Mhm. Just a little stressed." She breathed in and out. I nodded my head and sat next to her.

"Has this happened before?" I asked her.

"Yeah, but it would be small enemys and gangs. This is Russia. And they are after Greyson. They won't stop until they get to him." She gives me a look. Sadness. This won't end, will it?

"Oh shit." I mumbled as a loud bang went off.

"Boss, what do we do? They have more men than us

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"Boss, what do we do? They have more men than us." My third command told me. No shit.I load up my gun. My rib hurts, everything fucking hurts. I got stabbed twice. My whole house was a fucking mess. Bodies everywhere, men with guns. I could barely focus. I was worried about my family. My fucking weakness.  My mind could only go to one person, Alana. Was she okay? Was she having a panic attack? I told myself to focus.

Then a bomb went off. Fucking shit, it was near the safe room. I looked out for anyone, and when the coast was clear, I ran to the safe room. Russian men were trying to get in. Using bombs to break the wall. I shot two in the head and then went into the safe room. Russians were in there, grabbing people and killing them. I shot all of them.

"LIsten up! I want everyone to run downstairs and outside. No where in the house is safe. Just keep running. If you get it, run. If you see a loved one, do not stop. Run towards the underground safe house" I yelled out to the room. They all started running towards the exit, all following each other. I waited until I saw her. Mia gave me a look. She was asking about Aidan, I gave her a nod and she smiled. Then behind her was Alana. She had Greyson in her hands. I quickly hugged them both and kissed Alana. We had to do this quick, so no one would see us.

"Please be safe." I nodded my head and replied back with you too.

We went separate ways, it was hard as fuck. But we had too.

We ran down the stairs, following everyone else

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We ran down the stairs, following everyone else. I knew there was something up with Mia. She wasn't herself, to  be honest. None of us were. We all exit the door and run toward the gate, and underground. We had to run half a mile. Once we got there, the last person closed the door. I bet a bunch of people saw us.

"Is Uncle Hudson going to be okay?" Greyson asked. I nodded my head. I couldn't speak, I was speechless.

Then the door opened. A man, I didn't recognized, climbed down the ladder and eyed us. His eyes roamed around until they landed on us. The man smirked and walked towards us. He looked exactly like Greyson. Oh shit.

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