Thirteen: Part Two!

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"Who set the damn fire?" I get right to it, not wanting to be on this "Call" anymore

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"Who set the damn fire?" I get right to it, not wanting to be on this "Call" anymore. He chuckles, thinking all this is a damn game. It's not, I can definitely show him that it's not.

"I will fucking come over there and slice your neck. Don't you dare fucking chuckle, you piece of shit." His chuckle silences.

"I ordered my man to do it. I want to see my son, if I don't see my son... I will hurt that girl again. Got it?" He threatens me. I hang up on him and smash my phone on the ground, so it shatters. I can't bring that back to the house anyways. I'm fucking frustrated.

I go back to Alana and escort her to the car. She needed to get in, before I kill one of these firefighters.

"You can't stay with me anymore, it's not safe. I will send you somewhere else." I spat. I slammed the car door shut and started the car, driving back to the house.

"No, I'm not leaving. I'm staying." She fought back. This woman was so fucking stubborn.

"I put you in too much danger to have you stay. I can't, please Alana." I beg her. The first time I have ever begged someone for something.

"I said fucking no" She cussed. She was dead serious if she was cursing.

I sigh and lean my head back on the seat. What was I going to do? She wasn't going to budge.

"I'll pay you Alana." I tried. She laughed and ignored me. We pulled up to the house, getting out.

"Fine fucking stay, you're going to get hurt. Don't come crying to me." I slammed the car door shut and went into the house. She scuffed. I go into our room and starting stripping, needing a shower. I smelled like smoke and needed a fucking release. I hadn't had sex in a long time, it usually helped me cool off. But any woman didn't even come close to Alana.

"Don't you dare walk away from me after saying that stuff to me..." She yelled at me, then realized I was naked. I ignored her and grabbed a towel.

"Why are you naked?!" She screamed at me and covered her eyes. I smirked at her, I could see her peeking.

"If you like to keep yelling at me, I'll be in the shower." I went into the bathroom, leaving the door cracked.

"You're such a freaking pervert!" She yelled again.

I chuckled. 


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I just saw Hudson's penis. And it was big, really big. It wasn't even hard. Oh my gosh, Alana! I told myself to shut up and focus.

"So then we will build a big house, that we can live in it forever." Greyson explained to me. I nodded, even though I had no idea what he was actually saying. After seeing Hudson in the shower a couple days ago, I haven't seen him since. I like it that way. If I did see him, I would probably never make eye contact with him ever again.

Hudson had been busy with the fire situation. Speaking of that situation, all my life saving was gone. I'm officially homeless. Yay! Greyson didn't know about anything, I would like to keep it that way.

"Greyson, we should've made an extra bedroom for your cousin." Alex said. I gave them a confusing look.

"What do you mean?" I ask them both, confused out of my damn mind.

"For you and Uncle Hudson's baby!" They both said. I started having a coughing fit.

"What baby?" I breathed.

"Uncle Hudson told us you had a baby in your stomach because you were bleeding a couple of days ago." They explained. I was going to freaking kill him.

The memories flood through me.

~ Third Person Point of View

"Hudson!" Alana yells his name through the bathroom, throwing the bloody toilet paper into the toilet. She covers my legs with a towel before he comes in. He isn't getting that lucky, she thought.

"What?" He yells from the other side. Hudson wondered what she had wanted. Maybe he was going to get lucky, he thought. Alana unlock the door, the door was in reach.

He cracks it open slightly. What a Geltmen. Alana thought.

"Can you go to Elle's room and ask if she has any pads or tampons?" She asked him.

"Did you start your period?" He asked, and she responded with yes. 

Hudson leaves the room and makes his way to Elle's and his brother's room. He knocks on the door, hearing footsteps. Ace opens the door. "Sup man, can I help you?" Ace asks.

"Ugh, does Elle have any tampons or... shit what are they called? Pams?..." Hudson asked his brother.

"Pads." Elle corrects Hudson and hands him a couple of boxes of both. He looks up to see Elle in a sheet, the same as Ace. He rolls his eyes and makes his way back to the room. Before he could. Two little monsters ran into him



"Hi uncle Hudson!'" They both wonder what he had in his hands.

"What is that?" They both asked. Hudson panicked, meanwhile Alana wondered what was taking him so long.

"Umm... well you see Alana is pregnant and bleeding, so she needs some of this stuff to help stop the bleeding." He explained.

"I'm going to have a cousin!" Greyson jumped up and down. Then they both ran away.


That's why he took so long to get a simple thing. "Excuse me boys, I have to go get something." I smiled at them, then got up and walked to his office.

I opened the door without knocking, I found he was sitting at his desk and doing some paper work.

"Did you tell the kids that I'm pregnant?" I went straight for it. He gulped and shook his head. I can't believe I was here looking in his eyes.

"I didn't know what else to say, I never had to explain to a kid what a period was." He explained himself.

"Now Greyson is expecting a baby. I can't believe you. I've had it with you. If I could leave I would! I'm so freaking done!" I yell, I know getting in an argument about this was useless. My hormones were all over the place.

"Yeah! Well I'm done too! I've hadn't had sex in months cause of you!" He yells back at me and gets out of his chair, walking over to me.

"How is that my fault?" I ask, folding my arms in front of me.

"Because I can't get you out of my goddamn mind. All I want to do is bend you over my fucking desk and fuck you so hard, you can't walk for days. You're gorgeous eyes are stuck in my head, that face and body. God, I hate it so fucking much. The day in the grocery store, I wanted to fuck you so bad." He shouted. I was speechless, I don't think anyone wanted me this bad. The thing was, I wanted him this bad.

"Then do something about it!" I yelled back, regretting what I had just said.

Devoted Trouble  (The Knox's Brothers Series #2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora