Chapter 23 : Malahidael, Crossdressing, Barchiel

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Hayashida's P.O.V

"Alright grandpa, I'm going to go now, I have the spare keys with me so just lock up the house if its already dark out and I'm not back yet"

"Alright, have fun kid, don't follow any strangers"

"Whatever you say"

I close the cafe door and head out, it was the first day of the Tennou Festival and I sure as hell not going to miss it, I tried to text Kurumi and even called her but she never answered.

Well that's fine, she's gonna come back sooner or later, the Tennou Festival is held pretty close to here, it should be a 30 minute walk from here.

While walking, I decided to buy some things at the convenience store, chocolate and water should be good, I need something sweet right now.

I entered the convenience store and grabbed a few bars of chocolate and a bottle of water.

I was about to go to the counter and pay for them until someone grabs my by the shoulder and pulls me back.

I summoned Ambriel and grabbed my knife, I turned around and was going to attack him but.


"I don't even know who you are"

The one who grabbed me was a tall man, as tall as maybe Mr. Hiiro, he had a slight tan and his blond hair gave him delinquent vibes, his sunglasses and pointy teeth along with his black jacket and red shirt underneath really took the cake.

As I held my knife, I looked at him and started to think back on my memories, yep, no clue who he was.

I attacked him with my free arm, even if he was a stranger, stabbing him would be bad, so I decided to punch him, I mean he touched and pulled me right? And he seems to say he knows me, yep, definitely suspicious.

But before My punched could even connect, My entire body goes numb and I fall on the floor, I tried to get up but everything feels so sensitive that even letting my hands touch the floor makes it hurt.


And suddenly, the numbness goes away, what the hell was that!

I grab the fallen knife and jump backwards away from him, I pointed the knife at him and asked.

"Who the hell are you"

"Umm... Hey I know we met at the wrong foot here, Why don't we j-"

"Answer me"


He takes a deep breath and takes off his sunglasses, his eyes were red but his irises were shaped like a cats.

He looks at me and smiles awkwardly.

"Um, Introductions come first! Sorry about pulling you there, My name is Malahidael, nice to meet you!"


"Ah? Did Ambriel not tell you? I'm your angel! Sorry I'm a bit late, your fiery spirit moved me! And the heat of love got me excited! So here I am extending a helping hand to a bro in need!"

Eh? He's my angel?

I look at him, surprised to know that since from my previous encounter, Muriel was secretive that she was an angel, but this guy.... He just immediately told me who he is and his intentions!

As I was about to ask him about that, the hand Mirror floats in front Malahidael and tackles his face.


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