Chapter 4 : Searching, Bonding, Eating

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Hayashida's P.O.V

Inside the mirror dimension

"*cough cough* g-god that hurt"

As the dust clears, i get up while holding my chest, breathing heavily since i fell down quite hard, i look around and see a giant mirror beside me.

I remember now, Ambriel told me to throw her and shout her name, seems like this is what an angel was supposed to look like, i tap the mirror and it starts shaking a bit.

"Hey partner, touching a woman's body without permission is a no go y'know"

"Hmm? You're a woman?"

"That's what you're focusing on?!?!"

With a 'hmph!', Ambriel gets smaller and floats beside me, i look around again and see the giant bunny, monster, thingy looking right at me, with Yoshino on her back.

I back away a little bit, putting both my hands in front of me just in case she attacks me, though it doesn't happen, the giant bunny fades away and Yoshino jumps down to me.

She clears the dust from her clothes and approaches me, she walked like a penguin, she waddles, how cute...

"Umm... T-thank you... You saved me..."

"Ah, yea, no problem"

I try to smile at her to make her a bit comfortable, but maybe because my smile is awkward she pulled down her hood again to hide her face.

As i was trying to talk to her, she suddenly looks around the place, she runs around, kicking the debris from my fall just now.

She kept looking around, and in a moment her demeanour changed, she started to be more desperate, prying the bigger rocks and debris with her hands.

"Yoshino, calm down, what's wrong?"

I call out to her, she turns around and faces me with tears in her eyes, she runs to me and hugs me while crying, she points at her left hand as she looks up.

"Y-yoshinon.... H-hes gone..."

Her speech was a bit broken since she's talking through the sobs, i check her hand and remember about the puppet she had.

Seems like it was left in the battle since it's not with her anymore, as she cries the air around becomes cold, and shards of ice start forming around.

Me and Ambriel panic as we dodge the incoming shards, we did that for around an hour.... It was tiring.

"*sigh* have you... Ca-calmed down yet.."

"*sniff* I'm sorry, b-but without Yoshinon, t-then, ill..."

I pat her head in a hurry, she looked like she was about to cry, I didn't want to feel ice shards stabbing my skin again...

"Well, how about we go find him? he's probably around here, so why don't we search this place?"

She sniffles and looks at me, she nods slowly and pulls my sleeve, I pat her head again and we start searching the place.

the rules of the mirror dimension are vague, from what I can tell, this place is just the normal world but without living beings, but trees are present and other types of plants... its hard to think about it so ill just keep it simple.

as long as an inanimate object is not being used or on a living being, it should be here, so it's like something that's not moving, and is not currently touching with something that can.

We look around in silence, it was awkward since we didn't talk much, I think we both just don't talk to people unless they take the initiative, though in Yoshino's case, she talks using her puppet more, as we search in silence, Ambriel gets bored and decided to talk to me.

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