Chapter 3 : Learning, Talking, Escaping

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Hayashida's P.O.V

"Well, the people who were attacking us spirits were called the AST, they are bad people Hayashida! don't trust them, or else they will kill you!"

Yoshinon was explaining to me about the AST, it seems they were the people who were attacking me, and also the one's who were attacking Yoshinon just now, their main goal is to kill spirits apparently, I don't know why, but if I were to guess then I suppose its because of the spacequakes we cause.

Spirits cause Spacequakes not because they want to though, but I guess that doesn't matter since even if they did it intentionally or unintentionally, spacequakes break a lot of stuff and can cause a lot of deaths in the process.

"Well that's unfair, its not like were doing it on purpose, but then again I understand their perception of things, if its bad for humans, then anything harming it should be killed"

I said as a fact, since its the truth, humans will kill anything harming them or their home, even other humans... so if there comes a time when unknown beings come in to their town and start breaking everything, yea they will probably protect the town, by killing the one's who started it.

As I was saying that, I look behind me to see Shido with a slight frown on his face, he looks a bit sad, but other than that, it reminds me of a character I know, but I can't recall it for some reason, it feels like its at the tip of my tongue but I can't quite recall it.

I look beside me to see Yoshinon and Yoshino running around the place, looking at everything in the abandoned mall with wonder, looking at them now, it just looks like a child playing with her puppet, its hard to believe they've been a spirit longer than me.

I walk back a little bit and walk next to Shido, he doesn't seem to notice me as I stand next to him, I need to know more about him, one, it seems like he's a human, but not at the same time, like something is off about him, two, I need to know why he's here instead of a shelter, and last but not least, who he's talking to, talking to Yoshinon it becomes obvious that Shido didn't really want to date her, cuz even when I was hogging their time together while asking Yoshinon about other stuff, he seemed to not mind and even looked a bit happy.

I wait for him to notice me, while waiting I stared at his face, I feel like I've seen it before, but I can't tell what it is so I'm trying to find any clues by looking at his face, I stared for what seems to be a long time, since I can't really find out anything from just looking at it, suddenly i feel a finger on my forehead, i focus a little bit and see Shido poking my forehead.

Shido's P.O.V

"Well that's unfair, its not like were doing it on purpose, but then again I understand their perception of things, if its bad for humans, then anything harming it should be killed"

Hearing what Hayashida said about humans, I couldn't help but frown since he's not wrong, humans will attack anyone that harms them, some spirits don't want to fight others like Yoshino and Hayashida here, but they can't help it because their existence itself harms us.

It makes me feel bad about them, they are being attacked for no reason, but I can change that, if I can seal their power they will become harmless and can be safe from the AST, I look towards Yoshino and smile a bit, looking at her playing with Yoshinon makes them look normal people that can't help being hunted down, as I looked at Yoshinon, I notice that Hayashida is gone.

"Shido, do you not notice him next to you? he's been staring at you for a while now and from the meter here it seems like he's interested in something"

As I held my earpiece to hear what my sister had to say, I look to my side to see Hayashida staring at my face, I stare at him for a while to but it seems like he's in a daze, looking at him closely, his face is both pretty and handsome, I poke his forehead so he can snap out of it, and he blinked in surprise.

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