Chapter 12 : Copycat, Meggido, Sleeping

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Shido's P.O.V

"C-can i really be saved?"

"Of course, I'll make sure of it"

She, Kurumi, hesitates for a moment, but in the end, she stretches out her hand, she was going to grab my hand, but.

"Ara~ that's no good~"




"Aa-aa, KURUMI!"

Kurumi drops down, a puddle of blood starts coming out of the gaping hole on her stomach, and replacing her on her spot was.

"K-kurumi? W-why"

"Ara~ that me was a bit too young~ too naive~ well then Shido! Shall we get back to business~?"

A lump of shadow appears below me and ghostly hands grab my hands and feet, restraining me, Kurumi smiles at me and grabs my face.


But the hand that touched me was cut off, Kurumi jumps back in surprise, and a familiar voice reaches my ears as they land in front of me.


"Yep, it seems like I got here in the nick of time again"


Kurumi giggles at us, Mana looks at her and takes out her weapons, Kurumi looks at chopped hand in wonder and moves it around.

"Ara~ amazing as always~ cutting my astral dress like it's nothing"


She smiles at us with a psychotic smile, with a slight blush and her left eye's clock glowing brighter.

"I can't have the killing all to myself right!?! Come! ZAFKIEL!"

Black energy comes out from behind her and a giant clock appears, she takes out her gun and looks at us with a smirk.


The clock behind her starts spewing red mist, it gathers to the gun and loads it with the mist, she aims it at her head and shoots.

But a bullet didn't come out, instead, the severed hand from before, it reattached itself to her body, and she moves it, as if it was never chopped off before.

"Well then! Shall we begin!?!?"

"Fine by me, i just have to kill you like i always have"

"Hmmmm~? Do you still no understand? Truly killing me is something you will never be ABLE to do!"


Just like before, the red mist reloads the gun and she shoots her head again with it, but, it didn't heal her.

She appears beside Mana instantly and shoots her, giving her no time to react, Mana gets thrown midair by the impact but manages to stabilise herself.

Mana shrugs the attack off saying it was weak, but Kurumi appears again behind Mana and kicks her, Mana turns around and prepares to attack, but before she could, the clock makes more mist and reloads the gun.


She shoots Mana and a ball of energy materialised and locked her in place, as if time stopped inside the sphere, Kurumi shoots her multiple times before releasing the ability and letting her drop down in front of me.

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