Chapter 6 : Fighting, Saving, Living

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Hayashida's P.O.V

Since i couldn't fly by myself, i asked Ambriel to carry me on top of her giant form, i thought it would be slippery and i might fall because of the lack of standing points, but to my surprise, it was pretty stable, like a skateboard, sort of...

I tell Ambriel to go catch up to Yoshino faster, she speeds up and gets near Yoshino.


Yoshino looks beside her trembling, she looks at me and calms down a little, her hands were connected to  the bunny, she was probably controlling it.


"Grab my hand!"

I reach out my hand to take her to my mirror dimension, she gets closer to me while we run from the AST, but before i could grab her, a bullet hits my hand and we both pull back.

"Ugh! That hurts!"

I grab my hand from the pain, it was in the blind spot of my astral dress so it really hurts, but fortunately, nothing too serious, i look up to see Yoshino again, but this time, she was glaring at the AST member that shot me.

Her eyes looked scary and it sent shivers down my spine, the AST members look scared too, but in the end they shot us again.

Their leader was the one shouting orders at them, i look at their leader to see a familiar face, it was the woman who was with me at the bench, so that's why she knew about the AST, she was one of them!.

"Ah son of a-"

My words got cut short when they opened fire at me, Ambriel flies around to dodge the bullets and Yoshino with Zadkiel either blocks them or dodges.

"Oi Ambriel, can't really keep going like this! Im getting pretty sick from flying and spinning around!"

"Heh! I was about to say the same thing partner! We really do think a like!"

Me and Yoshino were side by side in our escape, we tried our hardest to not hit the buildings, but here and there we would hit it a few times, we at least minimise the damage, but if this keeps up, the city would be nothing more than a pile of rubble.

"Got anyway out of this?"

"Of course! Well, since it's sort of my fault i didn't teach you how to fly, fight properly, make shields, hiding your energy, etc, wow... I really didn't teach you much huh..."

Ambriel slows down as her mood drops a little, the AST members see this and start shooting more at me, i gently rub Ambriel in the back? Front? I just rub her.

"Hey it's fine, just teach me while we run, so please don't slow down!"

I say in a panic, Ambriel sees this and says 'my bad' she accelerates and catches up to Yoshino.

"Alright partner, seems like this is a good time to tell you your abilities, well tricks if you think about the nature of it"

Ambriel vibrates suddenly, and a portion of her breaks apart, the shards and fragments of the glass go up to me.

"I'll teach you something easy, grab one of my fragments and think of grabbing a spear!"

I nod and grab one of the fragments, my hands go in the fragment of Ambriel, i felt nothing at first but i started thinking about grabbing a spear, suddenly, i felt a pole on my hand.

I grab it and pulled it out, what came out was a steel spear, strangely enough, it felt nice in my hands, as if i'm used to having it.

"Hah! Didn't think you would get it in your first try!"

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