,,No! I don't love him, I never did."

,,You liar!"

,,I don't give a shit about that man!" I stand up now, facing Chloe.

,,Then why did you sleep with him? And why did you keep his child?"

,,Because I couldn't cope with your loss. We were having so much fun on the ship and then I had to watch you disappear into the ocean. When I couldn't find you and I had to move on without you, I lost it. I drank too much and slept with Chicago. Not because I wanted to but because he was in the right place at the right time." Chloe takes a breath before continuing. ,,When I found out about the pregnancy, I got scared. Scared to be all alone without you, raising my child all by myself."

,,You had no problem replacing me. Chicago decided to be a father and you agreed. You have your little family you always wanted now."

,,That's not fair, Becs."

,,Not fair?" I go through my hair frustrated. ,,You wanna know what's not fair? I fought for three years! I fucking survived living on an island for three years because I wanted to come home to you. It's not fair to come back to be with the love of your life and to find out she moved on! So excuse me for being mad at you for giving up on me! Go back to your perfect life with your soldier husband and your son because I won't stand in your way." Chloe swallows away the tears and I have to fight myself not to grab her and hold her close against my body. Chloe walks back to the door. ,,Shut the door on your way out." I sit down at my desk again.

,,You're right."

,,Right about what?"

,,About giving up on you." I sigh and look her way for a split second, only to see that she had turned around. ,,I gave up on you for a while but only because I didn't know about the islands. I drank so much that night to forget what happened to you. I slept with Chicago so the pain would go away. And I kept Ryan because he made me feel connected to you in some way." Chloe stops for a moment. ,,There were so many times that I wanted to help the authorities search. I wanted to find you so desperately, but -"

,,But you didn't. Why Chlo? Was it so easy to forget about me? Just to assume I was dead?"

,,I didn't assume anything. Everybody kept telling me to move on and that you were dead."

,,Why did you keep Ryan?"

,,Because what I did isn't Ryan's fault. He's just a child."

,,You wanted a family and now you have."

,,I never wanted a family without you! The thing that I want most is -"

,,Is what?" I look at Chloe. ,,Huh? Is what?" I stand up angry because Chloe doesn't finish her sentence. ,,What is it that you want, Chloe? Just say it!" I walk over to her now.

,,I want you."

,,I don't believe you."

,,It's true."

,,It's not true. I saw the three of you together as one big family."

,,Becs, please." Chloe tries to grab my hand but I pull away.

,,Don't! I know what I saw. If you loved me, you would have stopped me from running, but you didn't!" I yell frustrated and confused now. ,,Stacie told me everything, so don't lie to me! You're married to Chicago and live together with your son." I look Chloe in the eye now. ,,You're not even the Chloe I knew. You're a new person. A wife and a mother." My eyes fill themselves with tears. I know in my heart that this woman still is the love of my life. ,,I don't recognize you anymore and everything you're going to say now is a lie like everybody else lies to me!"

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Where stories live. Discover now