,,It wasn't Beca, I promise. She doesn't even know I'm here, only one other person does. She gave me your address because I begged her. I told her that I want to help make everything right and I mean it Chloe. Emily is a good friend to you, she didn't give up easily but in the end, she just wants to help too. Don't be too mad at her Chloe."

,,Emily! How could she?" I think back to the words Serena told me. ,,What do you mean to make everything right? Shouldn't you be at Beca's, groveling to her to make it right? I'm confused right now."

,,Chloe, I broke up with Beca because I know she's not in love with me like I am with her. I've known all along but I didn't do anything about it, I regret that now. I love Beca and that's why I'm here. She's still in love with you Chloe and I think she always will be." I can't help but scoff at that and shake my head. In my heart I want it to be true but at the same time, I know it can't be. It just can't, Beca hates my guts now.

,,No, that's not true. It can't be. Beca hates me, I hurt her too much. She doesn't love me anymore. I knew it with the songs that she wrote. Her lyrics slow volumes to me even when I haven't seen her in more than three months. Or talked to her in more than three years. I want to be able to explain my side of things, but she'll never give me the chance, it's over." Saying that out loud makes me feel so depressed.

,,That's actually why I'm here. Chloe, Beca confessed to me. She openly admitted that she's still in love with you. I confronted her about not being fully in the relationship with me. I mean, yeah we were in a real relationship with dates, kisses, and sex too, but there was always something missing. I knew it was you, Beca misses you like crazy. Yes, she's still mad and very stubborn about everything, but she still cares about you."

,,Well, I find that hard to believe Serena. If she does still love me then she certainly has a funny way of showing it. All the times that I've seen her from afar, she's made a point of hurting me. I didn't mean to hurt her three years ago. But Beca, she's choosing to hurt me, it's on purpose and that makes it worse for me." Saying that hurts me.

,,She does love you and yes she does have a funny way of showing it. But that's because she's not ready to show it and is scared too. I really think she needs you to make the first move here Chloe. You know how Beca is." Serena keeps trying to sway me.

,,Well I'm scared too, it's not exactly easy to show love to someone who hasn't spoken to you in months. Hasn't let you explain your side of your own story and life experiences. Hates you with such ferocity. And has made it very obvious that over four years of being in love and happy isn't enough to warrant a full explanation. Heck even the four years of friendship before that apparently isn't enough to warrant just cause either. All of that means something to me but not to Beca." I say this, as I keep pacing back and forth in my small kitchen.

,,Chloe I get all of that and honestly I think I would be feeling the same if I were in your shoes. This isn't about saying your feelings are wrong because they're not. Feelings and emotions are important here, trust me when I say that. I promise I'll leave and never bother you with any of this again. But you have to answer a question first and honestly. That's the only way that we'll resolve this."

,,What's the question? I have to finish dinner."

,,Do you still love Beca? Not just as a friend but love as in build a life, get married kinda love?" That makes me pause, I want to lie and say that "no I don't, not anymore". Unfortunately for me, I'm not that good at lying so either way the truth comes spurting out of my mouth. I can't stop it.

,,That's such a stupid question, of course, I still love her. I've loved her since like the first moment we met all those years ago. I'll never stop either. God, I was all set to propose to her on that ship, I knew she was it for me. You don't even think about proposing unless you love the person like crazy and want a life with them. I did and still do, I didn't get the chance to do it back then and the ring was lost along with Beca. It destroyed me and I'll never forget it. I love Beca with everything in me, and I always will."

,,Good to know. Chloe, you have to go to Beca and tell her how you feel. She's at Barden right now reliving old memories. That's a clue in itself that she's not letting it all go yet. You can stop her, make her see that you love her. Explain your side of what happened and don't take no for an answer. I'll watch Ryan for you, his dinners in the oven and I'll make sure he gets it. You just worry about getting there and talking to Beca." Serena is so convincing that I can't even say no. I want to go and see Beca, this seems like my only chance, so I guess I have to take it.

,,Are you sure about watching Ryan?" I can't help but ask.

,,Of course, he's such a cute little man and I think we'll get on nicely. I can even stay the night if you need me to, I'll leave when you get home. Now get your stuff and go! Get your girl back, Chloe! You both deserve it." My nice happy side decides to make me hug her now, I feel a little awkward, but I am grateful to her.

,,Thanks, I'll just say bye to Ryan and tell him to be good. His bedtime is around 8 PM, but don't worry if it's a bit later."

,,No problem, I'm sure we'll be fine." I walk through to the living room where my boy is lost in his movie.

,,Hey sweetie?" He looks up at me. ,,Mommy has to go out for a while but my friend is going to watch you. She'll give you dinner when it's ready and watch movies with you. Mommy will see you in the morning. Be good okay?"

,,Okay mommy, love you." My little boy knows the way to my heart.

,,Love you too." Kissing his little fuzzy head, I stand up and collect my bag. I head to the front door. ,,Thanks again Serena, I'll call later or something!" I call out down the hall. Not waiting for a reply, I walk out of the apartment before I change my mind and just stay home. Jumping in my car, I start driving to Barden. The memories of my time there already resurfacing. As a last-minute thing, I stop to pick up take-out from our old favorite place. I got tacos, knowing those were always her favorite. Hopefully, they go down well and help me out a little.

The last minutes of driving are nerve-wracking but I push on until parking in front of the building that used to be our home. I get out of the car and walk up to our old dorm room. Just as I'm about to knock, I can hear Beca's sweet voice singing. It's just a few sentences, but I know she wrote this about me.

You said you loved me, I said I loved you back

What happened to that? What happened to that?

All your promises and all the plans we had

What happened to that? What happened to that?

I swallow and take a deep breath before I knock on the door. Right away her voice sounds again, but this time she says: ,,Go away." I won't leave now, so I open the door and prepare myself for what's about to come.

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Where stories live. Discover now