chapter 1

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“Percy, you can’t stay with me for much longer. My brother is not happy about you this time you are spending with me now.” I looked up from my book at my dad, Poseidon. I had been staying in his palace since the end of the war. I lost the rest of the seven except Jason. I still had Nico and Thalia aswall. My mom and Paul got killed by some of Gias goons after we won the war, she did it to get revenge on me. “Where would I go, I don’t have anyone to go to. Jason is building temples, Thalia is with the hunt and Nico is in the underworld doing official Ghost King stuff.” He pondered for a minute,” what about your older brother Jason Todd, right. Do you remember him, when yall lived in Gotham. I think he ran away before yall moved. Your mom thought he died but he isn’t dead even Hades says it. The word going around was that he was actually looking for you a few years back. MAybe you could find him and reconnect with each other. I can get you some information to get you started.” I nodded my head, I would love to find my mortal brother. Mom had him three years before me. But when we got older and mom married Gabe, Jason ran away. I looked down at the necklace I had worn for so long as I can remember. It was a gold chain with a ‘J’ charm on it. We had gotten matching ones, except he had a ‘P’ charm. It was one of the only things I have to remember about him. There were pictures on the wall but mom didn’t talk about him often. She said it brings back many bad memories. I looked back to where my dad was standing. He had left but a file on the floor in his place. I opened it and read…

NAME: Jason Peter Todd
DOB: August 16th (I think that is right if not tell me)
AGE: 22
LOCATION: Gotham City
             mom-Sally Jackson(dead)
             sister-Persephone Jackson
             step-father-Gabe Ugliano
                               Bruce Wayne
             step-siblings- Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson
                                  Timothy Drake
                                  Damian Wayne
POWERS: Blessed 
ALTEREGO: Red Hood(was second robin)

There was some other stuff about him but I just skimmed over it. It talked about the training he had had and groups of super people he had worked with. It talked about the Justice League, YJL and a few different groups of what I asum were assassins. Well I shouldn't have to worry too much about him, it seems like he can take care of himself. There was a knock on my door. “Hi Perce, what are you doing?” I looked up to see my step-mother, Amphitrite. Mine and her relationship had gotten stronger since the end of the war. I now see her as a mother figure since Sally was killed. “ I am looking for my brother, Jason Todd. Dad got me some information on him so I could find him. Uncle Z says I can't stay here much longer. I will probably get an apartment somewhere close to Gathom and try to find him. I am not too worried about money or anything so I should be able to find a nice apartment. I thought about the whole hero/vigilante thing, I might see if I can be one of those, it would keep me busy.” She just nodded her head, then her face suddenly lit up. “ I could get you an apartment and get someone to make you a suit. We can go shopping for stuff to put in your apartment. WOuldn’t that be fun, and some bonding time without the boys. Would you like that?” she said jumping up and down, clapping her hands. This was going to be a fun time.

__Time Skip brought to you by people who hate shopping( I hate shopping and people say ‘but your a girl’ and i say ‘so, i don’t like shopping’__

I was happy with my new apartment in Bludhaven. It was light gray and sea green with baby blue. My furniture was gray with blue pillows, rugs and curtains. Most of my appliances were sea green or silver. I had everything I needed plus some. Pictures hung everywhere, they each had a story. Some I didn’t remember but they were still precious to me. Some were of me and my brother Jason when we were little. Others were of my with the seven and other friends from camp. I had some of me, nico, jason and thalia. I had a few with me and mom with smelly gabe or paul or jason. A knock at my door brought me out of my thoughts. I went to answer the door, a man about mid-twenties stood there with a container that looked to be bronies. “Hi, I saw you moved in. I am your neighbor Dick Grayson.” He stuck his hand out so I shook it,” oh um come in, my name is Percy.” He followed me in and shut the door behind him. “Can I offer you anything to drink? I was just about to make myself some tea.” He just shook his head and looked around. I took this chance to look him over. He had a stance I recognized, relaxed but ready for anything. I could tell he had some weapons hidden on his figure as well. “I made some brownies for you, I hope you like them. I don’t back much, it is more my brother's thing.” he said, handing me the container. I smiled and opened it. I set it on the table and looked at Dick,” only if you try one of my cookies. I need a second opinion, I made them for the first time.” I went to get my cookies and set them on the table. He picked one up and looked at me with an eyebrow raised,” they are pretty but why blue?” I looked down at my necklace,” it was an inside joke. Your brownies are amazing, by the way” I watched him smile then take a bite of my cookie. His whole face lit up,” these are delicious. Would you be willing to sell these?” He took out his phone and started typing. I answered him,” ya, I guess I could sell these. Why do you want to buy some.” He looked up,” how many can you make? Do you think you could make 800 cookies?” I nod,” I could do that, when do you need them?” He looked down at his phone for a minute,” can you do it by friday night?” I smiled, “ya I can do that?” He went on to tell me where to take them and to dress nicely. I told him I would do it for $800, $1 per cookie. He nodded and said he had to go. Now I have 800 cookies to make in three days. To the store we go.

Percy Jackson sister of Jason ToddWhere stories live. Discover now