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"Okay, Buck, Lucy?" Bobby said as they walked down and to the boat "Help them tie off so we can board."

"Uh, sorry. Excuse me." Buck said as he and Lucy ran into each other

"How deep was he before he came up?" Bobby faced the diving instructor

"Over 100 feet." He explained "My other diver's still coming up. He's only halfway. Might as well just grab him now."

"Sir? Sir, can you hear me?" Hen said as they made it to the man in the ground "Pulse is weak. Severe barotrauma. Every blood vessel in his eye must have burst."

"The mask did that. Squeezed his head like a melon." Lucy spoke making them all face her "I worked at a dive shop in Red on do."

Hen took of the mask "Oh. Ruptured eardrums. Shouldn't be surprised. Airway is patent, but breathing's extremely shallow."

"One of his lungs is probably gone." Y/n told them  "Would've ruptured on the way up."

"Can't move." The man groaned "Everything hurts."

"Jonah? Push fluids and get him on O2." Hen faced him


"Temporary paralysis, too." Y/n went over to bobby  "He's got it bad, Cap."

"Buck, get him prepped for medevac." Bobby faced him before speaking into his radio  "This is 118 to Air Operations. We need medevac at San Pedro Marina. Victim is suffering from severe decompression sickness and possibly a punctured lung. Prep for hyperbaric oxygen treatment."

Y/n and buck helped hen and Jonah prep the guy

"Roger that, Captain 118. We're transporting a trauma patient. Will circle back as soon as we unload. 15 minutes out."

"He'll be dead before he sees the inside of a chamber." Lucy announced

"She's not wrong." Hen faced him

"So what do we do?" Y/n questioned

"Tag him and go grab a smoothie?

"We could put him back in the water." Lucy offered  "I could take him down, bring him back up properly."

"That's too risky... we need to get him in a chamber." Bobby shook his head

"15 minutes?" Lucy whispered to y/n

"We could build one faster." Y/n shook her head

"Wait yeah" Lucy smiled "Saw a diver do it once in Ensenada."

"I- I was joking" y/n told her quickly but everyone was already getting ready to load the man onto the gurney

"He said all you nee  don't is a good seal and a lot of compressed air. He built his in a meat freezer." She continued as they then wheeled the man out

"How about a fresh fish freezer?" Bobby said a s they made it to a fish market and went in "Buck, kill the power to the freezer."

"He's gonna be in there anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes." Hen told them "Could be hypothermic in ten, okay, even with the power off. So we need to pump him full of warm fluids."

"Great call, Hen." Jonah nodded

"We could run the I.V. in with the air." Buck spoke

"I'll stay with him." Jonah offered himself up "Take pressure readings
and monitor his vitals."

"Radio us if anything goes south." Hen spoke, the door shut and they drilled holes into the door feeding the oxygen  tubes in before filling the gaps

"Okay. Buck, Lucy, run 'em wide open." Bobby said and they turned the wheel on the tanks "y/n , be ready to switch out those tanks." 

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