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(This moves fast at some points seeing as how many calls they had and how fast they went by)

"Trauma bag?" Buck asked Eddie who was checking the truck supplies making sure they had the right amount of everything

"Yup." He answered

"I'm sorry. What was that?" He looked at Eddie who rolled his eyes




"Who gave that guy a clipboard?" Y/n said as she walked up to the two with hen and chim trailing behind

"Don't worry." Buck chuckled looking down at it "It's a kinder, gentler clipboard as is the man who holds it. Meet Buck 3.0."

"What, three?" Hen tilted her head "What happened to 2.0?"

"Two's leg was crushed by a ladder truck and his girlfriend left him." Chim stated with a smile

"Still not sure what inspired the software update." Eddie rolled his eyes as he looked away from buck

"I'm just ready to let go of the past." Buck let out a sigh of content

"Your parents lied to you your entire life" y/n rose a brow at the man "and you're just gonna let that go?"

"What's your secret?" Hen looked over at him

"Therapy." He nodded "As in my parents agreed to come to a few sessions with me, work our stuff out." This earned looks from them all "Look, they're trying. I figure I should try too. Right?"

"Very mature, Buck." Hen nodded

"Very Buck 3.0" he pointed at her

"Okay, I'm not calling you that." Hen shook her head as they laughed, she then looked at chim "Are you gonna be taking part in these family sessions, too?"

"Key word family, which I am not." He began to walk past donut in hand as he took a bite "Technically."

"You're allowed to give yourself some time, you know. To process." Eddie faced him

"I know." Buck shrugged "I'm just tired of looking behind me." He smiled "I'm ready to start thinking about the future. Speaking of which..." He turned around to see the new probie before yelling "Hey, Probie!"

The boy jumped as he dropped the books in his hand, buck went to help him "No, no, no, no. Don't worry. I got it."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Buck furrowed his brows "You're the new B-shift probie, right?"

"Yeah. I- I mean, yes, sir." He stood up after collecting the books "Just finished my first shift."

"How was it?" Y/n asked trying to calm his obvious nerves

"Pretty quiet."

When he spoke their smiles dropped

"Whoa!" Hen yelled as they backed up from him "Did he just say-"

"No!" Chim sighed

"Sorry, I just said it was-" he went to say it again

"Don't say it again!" Y/n yelled thrusting her hand out as if that was going to stop him

"Hold on, hold on." Hen pointed the same direction "I don't know. Maybe if he says it a second time, it undoes the curse."

"Maybe if he said it a third time, the Candyman will show up and kill us all." Chim looked at her "Let's not test that theory."

"That word is forbidden in the firehous- any house." Buck explained "We just... we don't use the Q-word."

"Who used the Q-word?" Bobby asked as he stepped forward looking over the ledge they looked up at him

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