𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨

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"The generators will have to wait." Bobby told the group looking away from the helicopter

They all nodded running off and immediately going to the roof and to the helicopter that was on fire

"Window washing cables." Eddie spoke up as they looked at the helicopter "This thing's holding on by a thread, Cap."

"118, I want ropes, webbing and the heavy winch on the rooftop, double-time." Bobby yelled to them over the sound of the blades

"We're not waiting for any of that, right?" Buck yelled out

"No! First thing we do is get those rotors turned off." Bobby continued "Hen, Buck, you check that cabin and see what we got. Eddie, you're with me. Y/n grab a med bag and help hen

"This is Hen. I need you to bring me a backboard and C-collar from inside."

"Copy that." Chim answered as y/n made it back to the helicopter climbing in carefully with hen

"Hang in there, kid, we're gonna put this fire out and then get you out, okay?" Hen told him as y/n handed her the medic bag

Y/n looked over the edge her eyes Widening "It's slipping!"

The helicopter shook as it sipped off more, Eddie dangled out of the window, y/n grabbing his hand basically keeping him from falling out. His eyes widened looking directly into hers as she helped him back into the helicopter

"Thank you" he gulped

"No problem"

"Help me!"

"We're okay! We're okay! We're okay." Hen told the panicked kid "You're okay. Wh-What's your name?"


"Manny? How long you been a paramedic?" Hen asked begining to check up on him again

"Been at it almost a month."

"Oh, wow. You're lucky, Manny! It was a while before I got to see any real action." Hen tried comforting him

"This ain't quite the action I was hoping for." He panicked

"You're gonna be okay, kid." Y/n nodded to him as she stood up helping the pilot out and putting her hand out to help hen up

"Y/n, climb on out we need as less weight as possible" Bobby called out and she nodded grabbing bobby's hand as he pulled her out

"Backboard!" Chim pushed through them handing it over "Hen, what do we got?"

"Spinal. I'm guessing cervical." Hen told him "We need to flip him on this backboard."

"That's a two-person job" y/n looked at her like she was crazy

"I'm available!" Eddie called out "Trick is, how do we do that here?"

"The backboard's long enough to cover this opening." Hen pointed to it

"You're gonna flip me over the window?"

"I know. It's not optimal." Hen looked at him

"No, very not optimal!"

"Listen, it'll work." Chim yelled out "Strap him in. We'll figure out a way to pull him out."

Chim looked behind him before running off

"All right, flip him on three." Eddie called out "One, two, three!"

"How you doing, Manny?" Hen looked at him

"Breathing's good." He told her "Pulse feels right. I can move my fingers. Not my toes.'

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