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"LAFD. Step back." Bobby ordered the people that were standing around watching and recording a man that was wedged in between two walls. If he fell he could be seriously hurt. The man yelled out for help as the 118 finally got a view of what happened

"Whoa." Chim said as his eyes went wide "Whatever you do, brother, don't suck in that gut."

"How we doing, George?" Bobby asked the man once they made it to the top of one of the buildings

"I can't... I can't feel my legs." He panicked "And I think my ankle's broken."

"Sir, you have any idea how long you've been down there?" Hen asked as they all leaned over the railing

"I saw the sun come up." He said causing them all to look at each other

"Well, he's wedged in there pretty good." Buck said quietly

"How's your breathing?" Y/n asked softly

"I can't really take a deep breath." He said as his breathing was obviously rushed

"Hey, George, can-can you show us how high up you can reach?" Buck asked raising one of his arms "If we can drop you a line, we may be able to pull you up."

"Nice and slow, George." Buck said as he slowly raised an arm

"That's it." Buck encouraged but he began to slide

"Whoa, easy." Chim said quickly

"George, just...keep hanging in there, we will get you out." Bobby told him

"What are you thinking, Cap?" Chim looked over at Bobby

Hen Eddie and y/n climbed the stairs of the apartment building before opening a window and leaning out of it. Bobby then drilled through the wall of an apartment

"A little high, boss." Hen spoke through her radio then looked to the man "One second Sorry about that.
One second."

Buck then hit through the wall creating a hole

"All right, George, Imma need you to control your breathing" Eddie told him softly

"and take shallow breaths." Y/n added as the three inside began to make the hole bigger

"Let's get down there." Eddie told them, they began to run down the stairs

"Okay, George, we're gonna start to pull you in here, but in order to do that, we're gonna have to pull on you pretty hard. So you're probably gonna feel
like you're falling, but you're not." Bobby told George as the other three walked I'm "If you start to panic and struggle, it's gonna be hard for us to get you in here. Do you understand?"

"Just don't dro...don't drop me, please." George told them "I don't want to die."

"Relax, everything's gonna be okay." Bobby told him calmly

"Okay." George said quickly

"All right, take a breath and just exhale. Ready?" Bobby told him

"Yeah." George gave them the okay to start

"One, two, three." Bobby said, him and Eddie then began to pull him in "Here. Give me your hand. All right, you're safe."

"You're okay. You're okay." Y/n said as he was layed on the ground

"Okay, okay, okay." George breathed out

"All right, take it easy." Hen told him

"Okay, guys, on three! one, two, three." Bobby said, they then moved him into the streacher

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