꧁•⊹٭𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙰𝚄٭⊹•꧂

Start from the beginning

Kaede's speech was rudely cut off by a certain detective stumbling through the door, his face pale and he was sweating a lot. A lot of whispers, including mine were heard around the room, discussing how ill the detective looked.

"Haha, look at this guy! He was probably jerking it in the bathrooms thinking about this gorgeous girl genius and her golden brain, weren't you Pooichi!"

"Can't you just shut your slutty mouth for one fucking second? I'll never think dirty things about someone as pathetic as you, bitch."

Everyone stared in shocked silence. Since when was Saihara-Chan such a badass?! If I knew this, I would've fucked him way sooner...

"Sidekick? Are you alright? That fucking liar didn't brainwash you or something, did he? I'll beat some sense into him if he did!"

"Oh, shut up Momota. You're so loud! I didn't do shit!"

"He's right, stop accusing my beloved Koki of such ridiculous things! And honestly, how can you even call me your sidekick? I solve all these murders and carry you all, and you just sit there counting fucking stars while me and Kimchi do all the work! If anything, you should be my sidekick!"

There was silence once again. Nobody knew what to say in this situation, the normally shy detective was going full badass mode and roasting everyone after all! However, all that stuck in my mind were the words 'beloved Koki' and 'Kimchi'. He likes me back after all! I can't believe it!

"Aww, Shumai is soooo cute! Calling me his beloved in front of everyone and giving me such adorable nicknames! It should be a crime to be that cute!"

"That's such a shame... I guess you'll be going to jail then!"

My whole body froze. Was Shumai flirting with me? Best day ever! I was about to fall into a gay panic!

"Can you two virgins shut the fuck up!? I've been sitting here for 10 minutes watching this lovey dovey romance! This isn't a dating show, it's a KILLING GAME!"

"Sorry Monokuma, please proceed with the motive you were going to present."

Kirumi was always so formal when she spoke. I think on the inside she was just done with all our bullshit. Being the ultimate maid must be so boring and hard...

"Yes Monokuma, please explain. Is it to do with my twin acting so odd?"

Tsumugi huh? She never spoke up to Monokuma much. I knew Saihara-Chan was her brother, but not her twin!

"Ok little fuckers, listen up! I'm only going to say this once! Me and my adorable little children decided to reintroduce a fan favourite motive... And applied it to the fan favourite! You're little detective has been infected with..."

Awkward silence washed over the gym, none of us speaking a word and waiting for Monokuma to say something about the motive.

"Dammit children! You were supposed to do a drum roll! You're lucky you guys are so cute, otherwise I would've ripped you all to shreds!"


"Oh shut it Monodam! You're fucking useless! Just do the fucking drum roll already!"

The continuous tapping of metal against the stage filled the room, the drum roll intriguing everyone as Monokuma smirked.

"The reintroduction of the DESPAIR DISEASE MOTIVE!"

My mouth opened, however no sounds escaped. What was I supposed to say..? Looking around, I could see everyone was the same, except for a certain victim.

"Monokuma, you're really interesting and all, but can I go back to bed already? My head hurts like a bitch and I honestly don't give two shits about whatever you're saying."

꧁•⊹٭𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚖𝚊 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜٭⊹•꧂Where stories live. Discover now