Chapter 7 | Only Mine

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As the evening progressed, the chatter and laughter gradually subsided, and Mr

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As the evening progressed, the chatter and laughter gradually subsided, and Mr. and Mrs. Seok insisted that Y/N and Jungkook stay the night. They believed that Y/N and Jungkook were secretly married, which led them to arrange for the two of them to share Y/N's old bedroom.

Y/N felt annoyed and somewhat displeased by the situation. The truth was that she and Jungkook didn't have an official relationship. They didn't have any labels or commitments to each other. Yet, somehow, he had taken it upon himself to claim a place in her son's life and win the affection of her family.

It was a complicated situation for Y/N. On one hand, she appreciated the love and acceptance her family showed towards Jungkook. On the other hand, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and uncertainty about their connection.

As they settled into the bedroom for the night, Y/N couldn't shake off the mixed emotions swirling within her. What started as a simple encounter had now become a tangled web of complicated feelings and expectations. She wondered how everything would unfold and what the future held for her, Jungkook, and their unconventional bond.

Y/N entered the bedroom and observed Jungkook engrossed in reading a bedtime story from his mobile to Jihun. The little boy clung tightly to him, his eyes growing heavy as he drifted off to sleep.

Once Jihun had fallen asleep and released his embrace, Y/N felt it was time to have a serious conversation with Jungkook.

"I think we need to talk, sir" She voiced her intention, and Jungkook nodded in agreement, understanding the need for open communication.

Jungkook gently removed Jihun's hand from his torso and approached Y/N, standing face to face with her. His eyes bore into hers as he started the conversation, his voice filled with a hint of anger.

"Let's start with why you left without saying anything," he hissed, his words laced with frustration.

Y/N, feeling equally frustrated, met his glare with equal intensity. "It was just a one-night stand, Jungkook," she reasoned, trying to explain her actions.

"For me, it was more than that!" he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of anger and hurt. His tone made it clear that he was vexed by the situation, and his emotions were raw.

"For weeks, I searched for you like a crazy person," he groaned, feeling both irritated and frustrated.

"Maybe you didn't search hard enough," she fired back, glaring at him with wide eyes that held an equal level of challenge.

He folded his arms and asked, "Then what about you? What was your reason for leaving?"

"I was scared of being heartbroken again," she replied, her voice trembling slightly as she recalled her fears.

"That's not a reason for hiding your pregnancy. You knew where I lived. You should have come to me and told me that you were pregnant with my child," he uttered sternly, though a hint of hurt was evident in his voice.

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