Hidden Secrets

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Your POV

"How could he not believe me!?" I was filled with rage with the situation I'm currently in, "I gave him everything he needed to know about me and my relatives! Heck, I even told him that I'd be happy to call them myself, but he still says no!"

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"How could he not believe me!?" I was filled with rage with the situation I'm currently in, "I gave him everything he needed to know about me and my relatives! Heck, I even told him that I'd be happy to call them myself, but he still says no!"

What kind of hospital is this!?

There's gotta be something about my rights here as a patient!

They even mentioned about sending me away! Sending me away..

"..forget it. I might as well take a nap before they bother me again." I was beginning to close my eyes and get some rest.

An outburst of a deranged laughter made me open my eyes back widely. The sound of shattered items and loud thumps made me feel nervous. The sound of a nurse screaming was now making feel more afraid.

"Help me! Somebody!"



The screaming continued until a loud clang of something metallic made the screams stop almost completely. Then the banging sounds were on repeat before a crunching sound erupted and made my stomach turn.

Now what's happening!?

The sounds kept going on louder and louder with the laughter before I heard other voices.


"Don't make me taze you again! This is the sixth time this week!"

"What the.."

"Oh, shit!"

"Call for an ambulance! Get his doctor!"

"Get him in the corner!"

"Put the building on lock down!"

Lock down!?

The sound of a long alarm went off and it made my ears ring as a strong thump was pressing against my head. I covered my ears while keeping my eyes shut.

It's too loud! This ringing is driving me insane!

"Dammit..!" I shouted.

As the sounds were distracting me and keeping me from hearing properly, the door handle to my room turns and was slowly pushed open.

Someone sets their foot inside and closes it.

I quickly uncovered my ears and turned over to see another patient just like me, standing and locking the door in such a hurry.

She pants and immediately locked eyes with me after realizing that she probably had woken me. She had short brown hair, matching eyes, and the bright shade of pink on her cheeks was complimenting her face.

I was very confused and asked her in a soft tone, "..What's going on out there?"

She didn't really respond to me for the first ten seconds, but she looks behind the door and placed her ear against to hear more shouting. She turns her head back and fiddled with her fingers before saying, "I-I'm really sorry for waking you! I was just using the restroom and then I heard s-something so I got scared and came here."

LET ME OUT (Yandere Bakugo × Reader) ASYLM AUWhere stories live. Discover now