billie really shined on stage, it was where she really belonged. where she was happiest, i could see that in her eyes, every else could too. she put her all to make sure everyone in the crowd before her had a great time. while she just had the time of her life as a given.

"in this next song, i'm gonna need you get low at some point. can you do that?.... great, you're gonna get low and you're gonna make everyone around you to get low, then when i tell you to, we're all going to jump around." she instructed. "ready? this is copy cat!"

she calls this her work out routine, no one gives her shit about it because it's kind of true. the amount of times she jumps around and goes back and forth on stage is unreal.

i'm going to miss her little glances that she gives me when the crowd is just roaring for her, letting her know that they are here for her and only her. i love that she wants to share those moments with me, cause i know how special they are for her. i'd be lying if i said i didn't tear up myself a couple times. i'm really proud of her and how far she's come.

i know it's not the last tour, i mean, we're just getting started but it's sad being at the end of an era. after today nothing will be the same, we'll never relive this moment, ever.

"i have to be real with you guys, i don't want this to end." billie breathed out into the mic. "i'm gonna make this concert last as long as i can get it to be, sorry if you're tired of standing. i will get in trouble because they will literally have to drag me out of here." she said as she walked over to the bed.

i grabbed my guitar and sat on the bed too, "you already know what this is, i love you."

i looked over at billie, facing straightforward, giving me her side. her eyes were shut, focusing on projecting her voice so beautifully. her facial expressions slightly changing every now and then, she looked perfect like she always does. the day she stops performing this song is the day i get depressed again.

"you really need to stop staring at me, people will think you're a simp." billie turned to face me as soon as she was done singing.

"so what people think am a simp? i'm admiring the beauty of my girlfriend, they're just jealous i have you."

"well then stop admiring me, it makes me nervous." she had that downwards smile on her face but quickly looked the other way and hid her face with her hands. not a second later the bed hit the stage's floor the venues staff came running on stage to unhook the bed from the chains and roll it out.

"we're supposed to end the show here. BUT blue and i thought maybe we could do a duo since it's the last show?" billie said into the mic and crowd started roaring.

it's more like she thought we could sing a duo, i wanted her to have the last song just be her but she insisted. matty got fed up from the both of us fighting and added this to the set list.

"this is lovely." i said into the microphone.

"wait aren't those?" i pointed a group of people that were in all black suits holding papers with billie, ivy and i's names in them if i wasn't mistaken.

"riley, kim, sam, claudia, cole... finneas, lucas, mom and dad." billie laughed, not failing in listening everyone's name. "what are they wearing?"

"of course maggie is filming." i laughed.

"looks like my job is being taken care off." i swear i heard sully say.

"they are trying to kill themselfs if they're trying to do that tiktok trend." i said as we were getting closer and closer to the exit of our gate.

"mom is drowning in that suit and i think dad is wearing the suit he bought for fin's wedding." billie hasn't stopped laughing from the minute we spotted them. "look! that's your mom, richard and jasmine!"

"where?" i frowned, trying to locate them.

"at the right, looks like they just arrived or something." she pointed. mom looked so pretty like she usually is, i wanna tell her that but things are still very awkward between us. "what are you guys doing here." billie's eyes lit up even more and she immediately flung her hands and captured the first person in front of her into a hug, which just so happened to be sammy.

"who thought of this first? confess right now." ivy asked as we were done being welcomed back by everyone.

"i'm the one to blame, the guilty man." lucas answered.

"he made all this possible." patrick patted him on the back.

"so what now are you going to act like real security guards? cause you know you're going to get yourselfs killed if paps are waiting outside." i pointed out.

"we are going to be you security guards that also have security guards." claudia answered.

"extra protection." billie slightly nodded her head. "nice."

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now