Chapter 1: My First Born Breathes Fire

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It was a joyous day on Air Temple Island. Stressful for some, but mostly joyous for everyone else. Tenzin, son of Avatar Aang and waterbending Master Katara, paced around the entryway of his home.

The young airbender felt like the world was watching. If not the world, then the residents of Republic City. His father had built them a home on Air Temple Island, just a bit ways off from Republic City. People knew them, they were famous, like celebrities. So, they knew when Tenzin got married, knew when Pema became pregnant, already he knew that the press was waiting to see the results of the birth, and that stressed him out and bothered him in so many ways. But the nervous father waited, and waited... and waited.

Inside, his wife Pema was being helped by several air acolytes, his mother, and his sister. They had told him to stay put while they got everything ready. "We'll call for you when she starts pushing." And so Tenzin waited with bated breath. He looked out at the waters. From where he stood, he could see his father's statue standing out with his staff, looking strong and powerful. It was still under construction, but already he stood mighty over the ocean's harbor.

"Oh dad," Tenzin mumbled to himself, "I wish you could be here." Pema had gotten pregnant when Avatar Aang was still alive, but he had died before his child could be born. Tenzin could now only wish that his father could've lived long enough to become a grandfather.

Eventually, Tenzin's sister Kya called for him.

"It's starting!" And Tenzin rushed past his sister, hearing Pema's groans of pain.

"Pema!" he shouted, bursting into the room and rushing to her side. She grasped his hand as he knelt next to her, "I'm here now," he said, brows furrowed, "I'm here."

Pema didn't reply, focused on pushing their baby out.

After an hour of intense labor, and many tears, Katara and Kya announced that the baby was born.

"It's a girl!" Kya said over the small cries. Pema gasped for breath as Tenzin pressed kisses to her sweaty forehead. "You've done well." he murmured. Pema only leaned into him, trying to catch her breath.

But, their joy was short lived. Katara swaddled her new granddaughter, pausing when she realized how shallow the baby was breathing, how quickly the baby stopped crying.

"Kya." she said as her daughter rushed to her. "Bring the water."

"What's going on?" Tenzin asked. He still held Pema's hand, not wanting to leave her side. "Mother, what happened?"

"I don't know, Tenzin." Katara said, placing the baby girl in her crib. Water hovered over the baby, covering her chest as the baby squirmed, coughing. Pema was unable to get up, but she gripped Tenzin's hand. "What's wrong with my baby?"

"She's sick," Kya said, helping her mother. "She's really sick."

"But how could this have happened?" Tenzin demanded, "We've had so many checkups and everyone has said everything is fine!"

Katara shook her head, focused on keeping her new granddaughter alive. "I don't know Tenzin," her voice was calm, "But we're going to save her. I promise you."

Two nights passed with little to no improvement. Tenzin stayed by his wife's side. She was almost inconsolable, stressed out of her mind. Katara and Kya worked tirelessly. Every hour was a mountain to climb. Waterbender healers from both the North and South had been contacted. Everyone was doing everything they could. White Lotus members drove away passing reporters. "Air Temple Island is closed for the public until further notice" was the message.

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