Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

My brother, Ace, is three years older than me, so he got a start in the idol world a few years before me. It has always been unclear to me if he actually wanted to or if our father pushed him to focus on becoming an idol. Either way, I think that both of us wouldn't want to trade our lives for anything. The faces of our respective groups and traveling around with the greatest friends in the world.

Ace is the lead visuals for his group ASL (and it is just like a bunch of boys to put off naming their group for so long that they just go with the initials of their names). It has always been clear to me that Ace is quite attractive, especially when girls would swarm him when we would go out before our debuts (and he would glare at the boys that were trying to flirt with me until they backed away). He's just charming all around, so it was easy for him to gather up a group of boys.

The first two boys are from our time before truly stepping into the idol world. The time before we had switched from going to public school to having a personal tutor. Sabo is the same age as Ace, and he wanted to do anything to get out from the hold of his horrible parents. With the visuals of the group already taken, Sabo decided to pour all his time into dancing. The two of us would spend hours together dancing to all the popular songs at the time. In fact, I credit those times as being the reason I am so good at dancing to this day.

Luffy is the same age as me, and the other boy that Ace easily recruited to his group. He's always looked up to my brother, but I will always say that Luffy was my best friend first. His only option in the group would be to lead as a singer, which at the time would have been a horrible idea. Luffy only ever sang goofy songs made up in the moment horribly offkey. It would take a lot of practice for him to become the wonderful singer that I love duetting with.

There were still a few spots left to fill, so at the same time I was gathering a group of girls, ASL was out finding some boys for a band.

Zoro was the first one to join, recruited by Whitebeard who is the main recruiter of Straw Hat Co.. A monster of a drummer that can play for hours without breaking a sweat. His focus and dedication to his craft is also a huge plus. Him and Luffy hit it off from their first meeting, becoming as close as brothers in a matter of hours.

Next was Usopp, who would later introduce me to Kaya. It was clear that he likes to exaggerate often, but he plays keyboard better and faster than anyone I've ever seen, so it all balances out in the end. He also picked up dancing once signing with Straw Hat Co., which is always nice when we want to have dance breaks on stage.

After that they found Sanji playing guitar outside his uncle's restaurant. I was with them that night, along with Nami, and the two of us might have swooned a little too hard for the blond boy. Once he saw us, he was dedicating all his songs to us. Luffy was the one to offer him a spot in the group, while also stepping in front of me to block me from view. Sanji agreed to join as long as he could keep seeing the beauties that had graced his evening.

It seemed like that might be the final group, but one day the cutest kid walked into Straw Hat Co., catching my mother and I on our way out. I was gushing over him before he could get a word out. Once he was able to calm the blush on his cheeks along with his stuttering over my compliments, he revealed that he had nowhere to go. His grandfather had just passed away, and he couldn't pay the rent for the apartment he had been residing in that his grandfather had luckily paid a few months in advance in case of his death. My mother and I have always been told that we care too much for others, but there was no way we were going to turn this precious boy away. Thus Chopper would become a backup dancer for Straw Hat Co., traveling with Going Merry and ASL.

With the groups complete, we dove into creating music, dances, and shows that would rock the idol world. We weren't about to go around doing what everyone else was. Shanks, the now CEO of Straw Hat Co. as my father retired for health reasons, was ready to shock the world with two new groups. I think we're do that and more.

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