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Taehyung was zeroed in on his work as his fingertips made contact with the keyboard while being on the video call meeting, Sung gazed at his father with seething eyes before stepping down from the couch and trotting out of the room without enlightening Taehyung about his egression.

Sung made his way in the hallways while munching onto the chips with one hand and the other holding the packet of the chips as some of the splinters of chips gravitated on the floor.

Discerning the door of the elevator he tip-toed to reach the button before pressing it with his creasy fingertips.

The door of the elevator opened with a ping sound as he stepped his foot in before standing in the center and gazing at the buttons, reading the ground floor he pressed the button with his tiny finger. He sure has a great IQ being just a preschooler.

Upon reaching the ground floor he skipped out of the elevator, scrutinizing the hallways opening in the lounge he trotted there before chucking a few chips over the floor.

He met a lady who was awed at how cute the little child was looking in the suit jacket while a sling bag was hung across his body. She tried reaching him and upon seeing the lady making her steps towards him, Sung retreated his steps from her as he let the lump in his throat swallow.

Skipping from her as she looked at his retreating figure, Sung met another squad of ladies who tried to ask where his parents were but he just drew himself back. He was afraid of meeting new people as he dashed out of there.

You and Shin reached the hotel as you gazed at the facade of the hotel stepping out of the cab, "We are late." Shin declared as you nodded, "Yes, only if I didn't bump into the coffee man." You sighed as she intertwined her hand with yours, "No problem, at least we can enjoy the dinner." She bobbed her eyebrows and dragged you inside, "Aish! This girl."

Making your entrance inside the huge and vast lounge, you both made your way to the food counter, "You are always hungry?" You said as Shin sneered looking at you while leaning his face near yours, "At least, not for men."

Your eyes enlarged at her words as she giggled, and you reciprocated dismay look at her like was it really necessary, "Let's get the food." You interrupted, "I will go and use the washroom. I will be quick." You said as Shin nodded. You made your way out of there.

Meanwhile, Halting one's step after catching sight of Taehyung's poster which was displayed in the center of the lounge.

Sung furrowed his eyebrows as his nostrils frilled, squinting his eyes at the poster which had a picture of Taehyung while looking ahead and his arms crossed over his chest, it was standing straight and Sung doesn't foe that.

Letting out a deep breath, Sung looked at the packet of chips and then the picture of his father as he splashed the leftover chips on the poster. He doesn't give me time. I hate him.

Taehyung's zoom meeting stopped due to some issue as he checked the internet, "I guess, we have to shift to some other room-" He stopped when he twitched his head to the side and did not find Sung by his side.

His heart skipped a beat as he jerked up his body, traveling his eyes all over the room before calling Mrs. Bak and Mr. Min and sauntering out of the room. Both the secretary and assistant made their appearance in front of him as he declared, "Sung is missing."

Both of their eyes widened as they scrutinized the Taehyung's anxious and petrified expression settled over his face as well as his heart felt unsettled before he strode away in the hallways with both of them following him.

He discerned the chips scattered over the floor, tracking down towards the elevator door, they all entered the lift while Taehyung scrutinized the creasy fingerprints over the buttons which were deposited over the ground and the third floor, "He is down. I will be on the third floor and Mrs.Bak, you should wait in the room. Mr. Min, check downstairs and inform the medical team."

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