Chapter 5

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We run towards the stairs that led to the second floor while Lauren stayed behind to delay the monsters.

When we opened the door that led to the main corridor almost twenty zombies were there. As we saw that, Beatrice and I started running, there was no way Lauren and I could kill all of them. So, we just ran.

Ti and I got to the second floor and look to the corridor, four of them. Picking up my gun I focus like the first time that I shoot.

All the bullets pierced the zombie's heads, and all of them dropped to the floor.


Soon after that, Lauren came up the stairs. I look towards her.

"Are they all dead?" nothing, like always I could only imagine. My sister had a giant advantage in killing the zombies because they never fought back. So, I do not doubt that she killed them all, one after another.

"Let's go. We're almost there" Beatrice says in an uproar and starts running through the hallway

I look to Lauren and start running after Ti. She stops at a door, the number thirty-four was exposed on it, I stop beside her. Beatrice seemed so hopeful, that her father would be there. A lot of times I asked myself, why was I trying to help her? Her dad is not here, I know it. I do not know what is his condition, but either way, he died from staying in the room, he turned into a zombie or he flew away. But one thing, I was sure.

Beatrice's dad is not in that room.

Screams break my thoughts, looking ahead I see Ti kneeled on the ground.

Crying is a human emotion, something that precedes sadness or happiness, opposites, but normally compared to sadness. The dictionary says it's the act of shedding tears. But for me, it's an unnecessary feeling, something that I cannot do anymore because I do not have any hope in myself.

Kids cry, for the least of things. But I cannot imagine how it would be losing your parents as a kid, much less not knowing if they were dead. At twenty years old I lost mine, and it was devastating.

There was no one in the room.

I enter the space and my eighteen years old zombie sister followed behind me, locking the door I got closer to Beatrice.

"Beatrice." As I say her full name, she looks at me, fear flashes through her eyes "that's enough" her eyes started to get watered once again

She runs to the other side of the room and shrinks. Her arms wrapped around her legs and her head was lowered. Maybe I was harsh with her, but she needs it, she needs to pass through this alone, I am not going to be here all the time. At least until Lauren needs to eat again.

I see a hospital bed near a giant window in the room, there was a paper on the footboard slat, the clinical record. I pick it up and start reading it.

Multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the neurologic system, killing it slowly. It affects people between twenty and forty years old. The symptoms are dizziness, visual disturbance, tremors, and loss of motor sensibility.

It's a chronic and mortal disease. There is no cure.

There was nothing to do now, I will let Beatrice get herself together, and then we should see where to move on.


I wake up hearing a crunching sound. Getting up from the hospital bed I stare at the ground.

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