"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Kiara looks into the bathroom, her eyes searching for someone or something. It doesn't take long until she sees him.
There's a boy sitting on the floor with his back against the bathtub. His head is hanging down, making it hard to see his face. He has messy blond hair, tanned arms with slightly defined muscles and a grey tank top with some cargo shorts. Some of his fingers have rings on them and around his wrist it hangs a wooden pearl bracelet.
He almost look dead.

Kiara quickly runs up to him and looks for a pulse. Her hands meets his neck which makes the boy shuffle in his seat. His eyes open, looking her right in the eyes. His eyes are wet and red like he's been crying for hours. He looks at her with fear, like she's gonna hurt him.

"It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you."

She says it with a calming and reassuring tone. The boy looks at her, not sure what to say or do. But he can feel himself calming down a bit, feeling safer.

"Can you stand?"

Kiara tries to help the boy up. She grabs his arm and he uses the bathtub for balance help. Kiara let's go of his arm, thinking he can stand on his own.

But his balance isn't good. His head is heavy and dizzy from being hit and from crying, making him fall on the hard bathroom floor.
He catches himself with his hand but they're not strong enough to hold him up.


He winches in pain. Mumbling swear words under his breath.
Kiara sits down in front of him, trying to shift his position into a more comfortable. She's gently and slow with her movements, trying her best not to hurt him anymore. 

"I'm gonna try and carry you to the couch."

Kiara knows that's she's probably not strong enough but she has to try. She gets in a stable position, placing her arms under his and lifts him up with her legs. It's heavy and hard but she manages.

They're both standing now. He can stand half by himself, but is leaning on Kiaras shoulder and arm.

"We'll take one step at a time"

After fumbling and having to take a few breaks on the way, they're finally at the couch. Kiara switches her position and sits him down on the couch.


This is the first time she hears the boys voice. He says it with an relived and tired, but clear, tone. His voice sounds hard but with a soft undertone. Like he's guarding his real voice. But it still feels genuine.

"Should I call someone? A friend or maybe the emergency?

His relaxed body suddenly gets stiff and he shuffles in his seat, adjusting his position.

"No. I'm ok. Thanks for the help but you can leave now."

The harsh and odd words makes Kiara a bit shocked. He says it like he's mad at her, like she offended him. Kiara looks at him confused. She knows that they're strangers and that it's not her place to say this, but something in her makes her do it anyway.

"You're not ok. I'm not leaving until you are."

She sounds confident and determined when she says it. Her voice is calm and clear. The boy looks at her with an almost mesmerised look.

"I know that we're strangers. But since you won't let me call someone. I'll help you."

He nods. He doesn't have the energy to say no or resist cause he knows that he actually needs the help, deep down.

"I'm gonna try and clean up the blood on your face. Is that ok?"


Kiara goes to the bathroom looking for a clean towel and some rubbing alcohol. There's a small shelf over the sink where she finds the rubbing alcohol and the towel she grabs from the drying rack on the wall.

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