Chapter 24: A breath of Fresh air

Start from the beginning

"Um no I was gonna wake Thatch up."

"Pfft he'd hate you. Here I'll make you the steak while I make myself something."

"You don't want meat?"

"Not right now. Maybe later."

You noticed some tomatoes and garlic and decided to make some bruschetta. You would however take it easy on the garlic. Which sucked you loved garlic.

20 minutes later you had Luffy's steak and your bruschetta all ready and set to go. He dove into his food like he'd been starved for weeks, while you ate slower and contemplated your entire life. At least you tried but Luffy had already finished his steak and faced you.

"Do you want some Luffy?"

"No I wanted to ask you something."


He got quiet and solemn something he never did. You sat there apprehensive about what he was thinking.

"Will you cook me another steak. And after can we play Mario cart? I miss hanging out with you."

You stared at your friend for a good thirty seconds before you bursted out laughing.

"Hahahaha yeah Luffy. Hehehehe once I can breathe again."

His proposal was insane and weird and just like him. It was like you'd breathed a breath of fresh air and you could use more of it.

You made him another steak, this one he ate more slowly and you finished your snack. After you both ate you played Mario Cart. You absolutely sucked but Luffy didn't care he had more fun that way.

"Hey Y/N. I know you felt like you had to keep someone threatening you a secret cause you didn't want us to get dragged down: and about the baby...well I just think that's the coolest thing ever! I can't wait to be an uncle, and if someone messes with you let me know. I'll kick their asses for you. Cause your my friend and I love you."

You felt tears stinging your eyes. Luffy could be an airhead and messy but the thing that balanced out all his bad habits, was his undying loyalty and his unconditional love for his friends and family.

"I love you too Luffy and I'm sorry about not making myself more available to you."

"Well you can just make me steaks and play video games with me this next month and I'll call it even."

You hugged his around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around your midsection. You two stayed like that for a couple of minutes before settling back into your positions for the game.

After an hour of playing you were feeling really tired, and it looked like the boy next to you also seemed to be getting tired as well. He pulled out the bed from the couch and then both of you fell asleep while playing.

<Newgate's POV>

Edward Newgate was usually a patient man. Someone made a harmless mistake at the company, as long it was fixed it didn't matter. One of his sons wrecked a car, he was upset but forgave it. When his kids made a bad decision he let them and helped them fix it, when it came back to bite them in the ass. If he received a death threat he didn't care, he knew who his old enemies were and had a list for Marco to give to police should something happen to him.

The thing he couldn't forgive was someone causing his children pain. While he never had adopted Y/N, she was just as much his child as Marco, Thatch or Izo. When you fainted at your cafe, he felt his heart stop and his air leave his lungs. He'd thought there was something seriously wrong. And now you'd been dealing with the stress of being stalked, threatened and your property destroyed.

His inner gangster was starting to come out. You'd told him and everyone else about the text messages that you'd been getting which meant that someone had tagged your phone. But when he'd checked it, he couldn't find one and neither could Izo, and he was the tech expert in the family.

He heard the TV in one of the rec rooms. When he went to check the scene he saw brought a smile to his face. It was a scene that he'd often stumble upon when you'd been in high school and had had a bad day. Luffy and you would raid the kitchen, and then play copious amounts of video games. He allowed it since it made you both feel better and allowed you to reconnect with what was important.

"Hah, I love these kids too damn much I swear."

He turned the system off. Placed a few blankets on you both and kissed both of your heads. He eyed your stomach and smiled.

"I'm going to be a grandpa...I'll be damned."

He left you both to rest and went to sleep with the conviction that whoever was messing with you, would not live long.

"You want Whitebeard back. Well you got him, none of you are going to like it."

Hey guys here's a second update for this story!!! What???? 😯. Well I was motivated and I was in the mood to write for this book!!!! I hope you enjoyed it!!!!

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